Amarillo District Statistics:
Daily Vehicle Miles

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* Certified Data provided for On-System Daily Vehicle Miles, Centerline Miles and Lane Miles are based on calendar year 2022, provided by TPP-Data Management. These mileage statistics are On-System only (under the jurisdiction of TxDOT).

County Value *
Armstrong 432,914.129
Carson 922,358.740
Dallam 506,000.472
Deaf Smith 505,875.659
Gray 683,858.227
Hansford 126,812.156
Hartley 496,102.450
Hemphill 130,984.627
Hutchinson 336,062.662
Lipscomb 80,579.716
Moore 564,418.965
Ochiltree 206,308.157
Oldham 1,025,315.456
Potter 2,753,131.280
Randall 1,796,938.685
Roberts 92,284.152
Sherman 286,171.869