Lubbock District Statistics:
Centerline Miles

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* Certified Data provided for On-System Daily Vehicle Miles, Centerline Miles and Lane Miles are based on calendar year 2022, provided by TPP-Data Management. These mileage statistics are On-System only (under the jurisdiction of TxDOT).

County Value *
Bailey 225.139
Castro 260.801
Cochran 231.386
Crosby 252.660
Dawson 312.540
Floyd 323.879
Gaines 271.729
Garza 183.350
Hale 460.060
Hockley 336.294
Lamb 359.068
Lubbock 640.164
Lynn 318.000
Parmer 253.438
Swisher 350.048
Terry 275.011
Yoakum 207.840