Lubbock District Statistics:
Daily Vehicle Miles

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* Certified Data provided for On-System Daily Vehicle Miles, Centerline Miles and Lane Miles are based on calendar year 2022, provided by TPP-Data Management. These mileage statistics are On-System only (under the jurisdiction of TxDOT).

County Value *
Bailey 244,660.794
Castro 259,334.784
Cochran 97,268.970
Crosby 186,363.290
Dawson 552,078.550
Floyd 166,896.492
Gaines 755,191.991
Garza 460,775.905
Hale 885,495.749
Hockley 624,788.086
Lamb 446,148.166
Lubbock 4,230,777.133
Lynn 427,067.081
Parmer 425,552.415
Swisher 406,378.392
Terry 527,430.547
Yoakum 288,016.958