San Angelo District Statistics:
Daily Vehicle Miles

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* Certified Data provided for On-System Daily Vehicle Miles, Centerline Miles and Lane Miles are based on calendar year 2022, provided by TPP-Data Management. These mileage statistics are On-System only (under the jurisdiction of TxDOT).

County Value *
Coke 185,388.700
Concho 299,089.884
Crockett 528,986.684
Edwards 95,794.436
Glasscock 303,188.264
Irion 191,769.997
Kimble 763,623.440
Menard 177,439.043
Reagan 254,917.704
Real 119,254.993
Runnels 415,998.836
Schleicher 122,366.859
Sterling 251,171.170
Sutton 689,299.547
Tom Green 1,896,914.270