2014 English Special Provisions to Item 334 - HOT-MIX COLD-LAID ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT (All)

SP334-004  PDF  RTF   - Replace Table 5 in Section 4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval.'' Add a Cantabro test with a maximum limit of 10%. Required for all projects using Hot-Mix Cold-Laid Asphalt Concrete Pavement, effective October 2023 letting. This Special Provision also replaces current statewide Special Provision 334-003. Replaces SP334-003 . Statewide Use.
SP334-003  PDF  RTF   - VOID - DO NOT USE. Lab-molded density requirement was increased. Updated Table 5 in Section 4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval.'' Required for all projects using Hot-Mix Cold-Laid Asphalt Concrete Pavement, effective January 2022 letting. Replaced by SP334-004 . Statewide Use.
SP334-002  PDF  RTF   - Amended with respect to Section 334.4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval,'' Table 5, is voided and replaced. Districtwide Use. Austin District.
SP334-001  PDF  RTF   - For project 6292-89-001, 6305-41-001 in Concho, Kimble Counties. Voids and replaces ''Materials'' section to convey that project materials will be provided by the State. Amends ''Construction,'' ''Measurement,'' and ''Payment'' sections to reflect change in ''Materials.'' One-Time Use.

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