2014 English Special Provisions for Austin - District 14 (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)

SP334-002  PDF  RTF  HOT-MIX COLD-LAID ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT - Amended with respect to Section 334.4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval,'' Table 5, is voided and replaced. Districtwide Use.
SP8013-002  PDF  RTF  Hot-Mix Cold-Laid Asphalt Concrete Pavement (Material Only) - Modified Table 5 in Section 8013.4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval.'' Districtwide Use.

2014 English Special Provisions By District (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
2014 English Special Provisions by Item (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
Specification Information