2014 English Special Provisions for Atlanta - District 19 (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)

SP247-002  PDF  RTF  FLEXIBLE BASE - Hereby amended with respect to Section 2.4., ''Tube Suction Test.'', Section 2.5., ''Certification.'', Section 2.6., ''Reporting and Responsibilities.'', Section 2.7., ''Sampling.'', Section 2.8., ''Referee Testing.'', Section 4.6., ''Ride Quality.'' Also approved for CSJ: 0259-03-055, 2631-01-006, 0089-09-088, and 1990-01-020. Districtwide Use.
SP6019-001  PDF  RTF  Longitudinal Prefabricated Pavement Markings (PPM) with Warranty - Provides for Wet Reflectivity Life to meet performance requirements for 2 years. (2004 SP6986-007). Districtwide Use.

2014 English Special Provisions By District (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
2014 English Special Provisions by Item (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
Specification Information