2014 English Special Specifications for Atlanta - District 19 (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)

SS7239  PDF  RTF  Lane Closures (Hourly) - Install, maintain, and remove lane closures as shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. This specification is intended for lane closures approximately 24 hr. in duration or less. Districtwide Use.
SS6159  PDF  RTF  All-Weather Paint - Furnish and install a wet reflective pavement marking system in accordance with this specification and in reasonably close conformance to the dimensions and lines shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Approved for use on CSJ: 0113-08-077 Districtwide Use. Special Provisions exist.
SS6149  PDF  RTF  All-Weather Thermoplastic Pavement Markings - Furnish and install a wet reflective pavement marking system in accordance with this Specification and in conformance to the dimensions and lines shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Also approved for CSJ's 0088-04-070, 0088-05-085, 0088-05-091, 0089-06-088, 0089-06-090, 0143-10-052, 0153-02-040, 0184-01-063,0535-06-044,0463-06-028, 0015-06-087 and 1717-01-010, 0228-06-086. Districtwide Use.
SS6043  PDF  RTF  Large Roadside Sign Assemblies  - Replace, remove, relocate or repair large roadside sign assemblies consisting of sign support, signs, mounting hardware and applicable appurtenances. (2004 SS 8800). Approved for CSJ 6316-19-001 and 6339-46-001 Districtwide Use.

2014 English Special Provisions By District (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
2014 English Special Specifications by Item (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
Specification Information