1993 English Special Provisions to Item 512 - PORTABLE CONCRETE TRAFFIC BARRIER (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)

SP512-021  PDF  RTF   - Provides for low profile barrier of Types E, F, G and H. Should be used in place of SP 512-001, when additional low profile barrier payment types are required. Optional (beginning with 05/01 letting). Replaces SP512-003 . Statewide Use.
SP512-009  PDF  RTF   - Provides a pay item for moving the barrier from the stockpile to the project and not back to the stockpile, since at the end of the job this CTB will be placed permanently on the project. Statewide Use.
SP512-001  PDF  RTF   - Provides for low profile barrier (includes Type E only). All projects with Item 512, when low profile concrete barrier is used. Statewide Use.

1993 English Special Provisions by Item (Statewide & Districtwide, Current)
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