State Let Construction Contracts September, 2021

Last Update: Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Bid Tabulations Dashboard

This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page.

The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only.

Proposal Information

• Click the PDF icon for an informational proposal. The informational proposal cannot be used to bid.

Contractors prequalified under the BIDDER's QUESTIONAIRE are eligible to bid ONLY on waived(W) contracts.
*F = Federal, W = Waived, M = Materials
Angelina0911-00-079VAPDF Icon1,971
Atascosa2975-01-009FM 2924FPDF Icon7,418
Atascosa0017-04-044IH 35FPDF Icon5,700
Bailey0052-02-036US 70FPDF Icon17,627
Bosque1054-01-009FM 219PDF Icon6,192
Cameron1801-01-051FM 1847PDF Icon5,282
Dallas0918-47-148CSFPDF Icon1,450
Dallas0092-02-125IH 45FPDF Icon3,303
Dallas0009-02-065SH 78PDF Icon2,350
Dallas0918-00-330VAPDF Icon2,500
De Witt3012-01-005FM 2980FPDF Icon1,146
Denton1311-01-058FM 1171FPDF Icon317
Eastland0257-04-029SH 6FPDF Icon11,745
Fayette0535-06-046IH 10FPDF Icon1,392
Grayson0091-10-002FS 121FPDF Icon10,333
Grimes0315-04-080SH 105FPDF Icon138
Hardin0065-14-028BU 96-FPDF Icon10,637
Harris0110-05-127IH 45PDF Icon676
Hill0014-17-078FM 1242FPDF Icon5,455
Jefferson0200-16-020US 69FPDF Icon66,513
Johnson0712-01-041FM 4PDF Icon2,006
La Salle0017-08-114IH 35FPDF Icon7,269
Martin0068-11-008FM 2212FPDF Icon7,027
Mason0149-04-018US 377PDF Icon1,792
Navarro1663-03-020FM 744PDF Icon7,992
Nolan0488-01-017FM 1856PDF Icon1,420
Panola0063-03-069US 59FPDF Icon375
Potter0379-03-026SH 136FPDF Icon5,192
Potter0904-00-187VAFPDF Icon1,447
Reeves0003-06-097IH 20PDF Icon7,810
Smith0910-16-169VAFPDF Icon158
Smith0910-00-115VAFPDF Icon2,453
Tarrant1330-02-050FM 1187FPDF Icon835
Taylor0908-33-101CSFPDF Icon990
Travis1186-01-091FM 969FPDF Icon9,593
Walker0675-07-097IH 45FPDF Icon192,220
Waller2898-01-012FM 2855PDF Icon4,303
Washington2447-01-032FM 577FPDF Icon396
Willacy0433-05-025SH 186PDF Icon4,254
Wilson1122-04-012FM 1344PDF Icon5,354
Wise0902-20-110CRFPDF Icon689