Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
53.902 2010


Minute Order 020537, dated 04/19/1944

From Karnes City to the Atascosa County Line.  New Designation.

Minute Order 022007, dated 05/15/1946 (date of agreement Atascosa County 05/29/1946)

From Karnes City to Fashing. (Karnes and Atascosa Counties)  Extended from Karnes County Line to Fashing.

Minute Order 025744, dated 10/23/1948

From Karnes City to Fashing; thence from the Atascosa County Line north of Esse via Esse to Whitsett. (Karnes., Atascosa, and Live Oak Counties)  Section from the Atascosa County Line to Whitsett added (9.4 miles)

Minute Order 030985, dated 09/19/1951

From US 281 at Whitsett north-eastward via Essevilie and Fashing to US 181 in Karnes City, a distance of approximately 32.5 miles. (Live Oak, Atascosa and Karnes Counties) (New Description)  Extended approximately 7.4 miles   connecting two sections of to FM 99.

Minute Order 035124, dated 10/28/1953
From FM 1144 in Karnes City southwestward Fashing, Essevilie, and Whitsett to McMullen County Line, a distance of approximately 38.2 miles. (Karnes Atascosa, and Live Oak Counties)  Extended approximately 5.6 miles southwestward to McMullen County Line.

Minute Order 036823, dated 10/13/1954, Adm. Auth., dated 10/27/1954, Adm. Cir., dated 12/01/1954

From FM 1144 in Karnes City southwestward via Coy City, Fashing, Esseville and Whitsett to FM 63 at Calliham, a distance of approximately 46.6 miles. (Karnes, Atascosa, Live Oak and McMullen Counties)  Extended southwestward from McMullen Live Oak County Line to FM 2153, adding approximately 3.0 Miles;  FM 2153 canceled and combined., adding approximately 5.5 miles.

Minute Order 048815, dated 12/15/1960

From FM 1144 in Karnes City southwestward via Coy City, Fashing, Esseville and Whitsett to SH 72 at Calliham, a distance of approximately 46.6 miles. (Karnes, Atascosa, Live Oak and McMullen Counties)  Redescribed as FM 63 was canceled and combined with SH 72.

Adm. Auth., 03/27/1981; Adm. Ltr. 06-1981, 06/15/1981

From FM 1144 in Karnes City, southwestward via Coy City, Fashing, Esseville, and Whitset to a county road intersection at approx. 4.0 miles south of SH 72, a total distance of approx. 53.4 miles. (Karnes, Atascosa, Live Oak, and McMullen Counties)  Section relocated around Choke Canyon Reservoir and routed over FM 1106.