Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
17.221 2010


Minute Orders 023869, dated 09/09/1947, 024244, dated 12/17/47, Adm. Cir., 001-1948

From SH 72, near Kenedy, southward approximately 10.0 miles. (Karnes County) New Designation.

Minute Order 025732, dated 11/23/1948

From SH 72 near Kennedy southeastward to near Overby School, thence southwestward to junction with US 181, near the Bee County Line, a distance of approximately 18.0 miles. (Karnes and Bee Counties)  Extended from near Overby School to US 181 (8.0 miles).

Adm. Auth., dated 04/20/1982; Adm. Ltr., 005-1982, dated 05/18/1982

From BS 72-B in Kenedy, southeastward and southwestward to US 181, near the Bee County line, a distance of approx. 17.2 miles. (Karnes County) Redescribed to show termini as SS 542, due to relocation of SH 72.