Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
7.428 2010


Minute Order 023849, dated 09/09/1947, Adm. Cir., 006-1948

From US 271 near Starville southward to SH 31, a distance of approximately 4.8 miles.  (Smith County)  New Designation. (Formerly War Highway 17)

Minute Order 025625, dated 10/29/1948

From Starrville southward to US 271 thence to junction SH a distance of approximately 6.6 miles. (Smith County)  Extended from Starrville to US 271. (1.8 miles)

Minute Order 053057, dated 06/28/1963; Adm. Cir., 119-1963, dated 08/01/1963

From FM 16 at Starrville, southward to new location SH 31, a distance of approx. 7.5 miles. (Smith County)  Extended southward approximately 1.0 mile from old location to new location SH 31.