Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
11.121 2010


Minute Order 027311, dated 07/21./1949

(FM)  From FM 42, 3.2 miles north of CaIf Creek, southward to CaIf Creek, a distance of approximately 3.2 miles. (McCulloch County)  New Designation

Minute Order 029727, dated 01/30/1951

From FM 42, 3.2 miles north of Calf Creek southward via Calf Creek to the Menard County Line, a distance of approximately 6.2 miles.  (McCulloch County)  Extended from Calf Creek to the Menard County Line, a distance of approximately 3.0 miles.

Minute Order 029728, dated 01/30/1951

From FM 42, 3.2 miles north of Calf Creek southward via Calf Creek to SH 151 near Hext, a distance of approximately 11.7 miles.  (McCulloch and Menard Counties)  Extended from the McCulloch County Line to SH 151 near Hext, a distance of approximately 5.5 miles.

Adm. Auth., dated 06/19/1957

(RM)  No change in description. (McCulloch and Menard Counties)  Designation changed from FM to RM.

Minute Order 072963, dated 06/30/1977, Adm. Ltr. 12-1977 dated 12/15/1977

From US 190 southwest of Brady, south approximately 11.1 miles via Calf Creek Community to SH 29 near Hext. (McCulloch and Menard Counties) (New Description)  Northern terminus redescribed due to RM 42 being redesignated US 190. Southern terminus redescribed as SH 29. Effective 01/01/1978.

Adm Auth, dated 05/05/1992, Des. Ltr. 03-1992, dated 09/14/1992

(FM)  No change to description.  (McCulloch and Menard Counties)  Designation changed RM to FM.