Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
43.906 2010


Minute Order 030975, dated 09/19/1951

From SH 21 at Ford's Corner southward to SH 184 at Bronson, a distance of approximately 10.2 miles.  (San Augustine and Sabine Counties) New Designation. Formerly a section of old route of US 96.

Adm. Auth., dated 10/14/1951, Adm. Cir., 049-1954, dated 11/ 15/ 1951

Canceled. (San Augustine and Sabine Counties)  Combined with FM 1. 

Minute Orders 037674, dated 02/17/1955, 037897, dated 04/01/1955, Adm. Cir., 024-1955, Desig., 017-1955

From FM 149 at Richards, southeastward toward Dacus to the Montgomery County Line, a distance of approximately 6.2 miles. (Grimes County) New Designation.

Adm. Auth., dated 11/02/1955, Adm. Auth., dated 11/03/1955

Canceled. (Grimes County)  Mileage transferred to FM 1486.

Minute Order 039723, dated 02/24/1956, Adm. Cir., 028-1956, dated 06/15/1956

From SH 82, approximately 8.0 miles south of Monahans, southwestward to FM 1450, a distance of approximately 17.0 miles. (Ward and Pecos Counties) New Designation.

Minute Orders 054439 & 054440, dated 05/06/1964; Adm. Cir., 062-1964, dated 06/01/1964

From SH 18, 8.0 miles south of Monahans, southwestward and southward to US 285 northwest of Ft. Stockton; and from another point on US 285 northwest of Ft. Stockton, southward to US 67 and US 290, 10.0 miles west of Ft. Stockton, a total distance of approximately 44.7 miles. (Ward and Pecos Counties)  Extended southward approximately 20.3 miles and 6.7 miles; point of beginning redescribed due to SH 82 being renumbered SH 18.