Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
14.874 2010


Minute Order 042859, dated 10/31/1957; Adm. Cir. 001-1958, dated 01/01/1958

From SH 15 approximately 3 miles north of Panhandle, eastward and northward a distance of approximately 4.2 miles.  (Carson County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 043311, dated 01/23/1958; Adm. Cir. 012-1958, dated 03/01/1958

From SH 15 approximately 3 miles north of Panhandle, eastward and northward to a county road, a distance of approximately 7.2 miles.  (Carson County)  Extended northward approximately 3.0 miles.

Minute Order 046782, dated 11/24/1959; Adm. Auth., dated 12/11/1959; Adm. Cir. Desig. 005-1960, dated 02/15/1960

From SH 15, approximately 3 miles north of Panhandle, eastward, northward, and eastward to FM 294 at White Deer, a distance of approximately 14.9 miles.  (Carson County)  Extended eastward approximately 4.0 miles to end of FM 2468; FM 2468 cancelled and combined, adding approximately 3.9 miles.

Minute Order 056556, dated 09/01/1965; Adm. Cir. 047-1967, dated 05/15/1967

From SH 207, 3.0 miles north of Panhandle, eastward, northward, and eastward approx. 15.0 miles to FM 294 at White Deer. (Carson County) Western terminus redescribed; SH 15 redesignated as SH 207.