Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
9.593 2010


Minute Order 041029, dated 11/21/1956; Adm. Cir. 001-1957, dated 01/01/1957

From SH 282, 2 miles west of Spearman, northward a distance of approximately 5.8 miles.  (Hansford County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 042863, dated 10/31/1957; Adm. Cir. 049-1957, dated 12/01/1957

From SH 282, approximately 2 miles west of Spearman, northward and westward to FM 1261, a distance of approximately 9.5 miles.  (Hansford County) Extended approximately 3 7 miles to FM 1261.

Minute Order 056555, dated 09/01/1965; Adm. Cir. 047-1967, dated 05/15/1967

From SH 15, 2.0 miles west of Spearman, northward and westward approx. 9.6 miles to FM 1261. (Hansford County)  Redescribed due to SH 282 being redesignated as SH 15.