Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
25.766 2010


Minute Order 046784, dated 11/24/1959; Adm. Cir. 006-1960 dated 01/01/1960

From US 381 approximately 19.0 miles north of Hereford, westward a distance of approximately 6.0 miles.  (Deaf Smith County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 057528, dated 05/05/1966; Adm. Cir. 057-1966, dated 06/01/1966

From a road intersection approximately 6.0 miles west of US 385, eastward across US 385 a distance of approximately 12.0 miles.  (Deaf Smith County)  Extended eastward approximately 6.0 miles from US 385.

Minute Order 058394, dated 08/31/1966; Adm. Cir. 110-1966, dated 10/15/1966

From FM 809, westward approximately 17.2 miles to a road intersection.  (Deaf Smith County)  Extended eastward approximately 5.2 miles to FM 809.

Minute Order 066795, dated 11/03/1972; Adm. Cir. 004-1973

From FM 290, 4.8 miles north of FM 1412, eastward approximately 25.8 miles to FM 809.  (Deaf Smith County)  Extended westward approximately 8.5 miles to FM 290.