Highway Designation File
Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority
3.042 | 2010 |
Minute Order 054486, dated 05/06/1964; Adm. Cir. 062-1964, dated 06/01/1964
From FM 331 (FM 529) near Burleigh, northeastward to county road, a
distance of approximately 4.8 miles. (Austin County) New
Canceled. (Austin County) Combined with FM 331.
From FM 1475, south approx. 2.6 miles to US 69 near Homer. (Angelina County) New Designation.
From FM 841 at Macedonia Church, eastward and southward approximately 4.2 miles to US 69 near Homer. (Angelina County) Extended westward approx. 1.8 miles, from FM 1475 to FM 841.
Cancelled. (Angelina County) Section from FM 841, eastward approx. 1.6 miles, transferred to FM 1475; section from US 69 northward approx. 2.4 miles to FM 1475 transferred to FM 326.
From US 283, 3 miles north of FM 924, eastward approximately 1.0 mile.
(Wilbarger County) New Designation.
From US 283, 3.0 miles north of FM 924, eastward approx. 3.0 miles. (Wilbarger County) Extended eastward approx. 2.0 miles from existing FM 2916.