Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
7.871 2010


Minute Order 065574, dated 11/05/1971; Adm. Cir. 014-1972, dated 02/15/1972

From US 77 and US 83, 2.3 miles northwest of FM 802, southwestward approx. 3.3 miles to US 281.  (Cameron County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 067991, dated 09/05/1973; Adm. Cir. 115-1973, dated 10/15/1973

From FM 1847, north of Brownsville, westward and southward approx. 5.3 miles to US 281.  (Cameron County)  New description; extended eastward approx. 2.0 miles from US 83 to FM 1847.

Minute Order 076313, dated 09/26/1979; Adm. Ltr. 012-1979, dated 12/18/1979

From US 281, approximately 0.5 mile northwest of FM 802, northward and eastward to FM 1847; and from another point on FM 1847, eastward to FM 511, a total distance of approximately 7.7 miles.  (Cameron County) New description; extended eastward approx. 2.4 miles from FM 1847 to FM 511.

Minute Order 105686, dated 06/27/1995; DesLtr 03-1995, dated 06/30/1995

From FM 1847 eastward to UR 511, a distance of approx. 2.460 miles.  (Cameron County)  New description; mileage from US 281 to UR 1847 transferred to UR 3248.