Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
56.596 2010


Minute Order 063535, 04/01/1970; Adm. Cir. 038-1970, dated 04/15/1970

From a point 4.8 miles east of US 69, eastward approx. 11.3 miles to FM 255; and from US 96 and FM 255 eastward approx. 16.0 miles to SH 87 and FM 255, a total distance of approx. 27.3 miles. (Tyler, Jasper, and Newton Counties)  Mileage transferred from FM 255.

Minute Order 068445, dated 02/21/1974; Adm. Auth. dated 02/27/1974; Adm. Cir. 023-1974, dated 03/15/1974

From a point 4.8 miles east of US 69, east approx.13.3 miles to SH 63 and FM 255; and from US 96 and FM 255, eastward approx. 16.0 miles to SH 87 and FM 255, with a spur connection of approx. 0.7 miles from a point approx. 2 miles southwest of SH 63 in Jasper County southeastward to Beans Community, a total distance of approx. 30.0 miles. (Tyler, Jasper & Newton Counties) (New Description)  Section from SH 63 southwestward approx. 2.0 miles and spur connection of approx. 0.7 miles transferred from FM 255.

Minute Order 074800, dated 08/21/1978; Adm. Ltr. 009-1978, dated 09/15/1978

From US 69, 2.2 miles north of Colmesniel, eastward and northeastward to FM 692, with a spur connection to Beans Community in Jasper County, a total distance of approximately 58.1 miles. (Tyler, Jasper and Newton Counties)  (New Description)  FM 255 combined adding approx. 27.9 miles.

Minute Order 076432, dated 10/31/1979; Adm. Ltr. 012-1979, dated 12/18/1979

From US 69, 2.2 miles north of Colmesniel, eastward and northeastward via Trout Creek Lodge, Rayburn Country, and Toledo Village, to FM 692, a distance of approx. 58.0 miles. (Tyler, Jasper, and Newton Counties) RR 255 Spur connection at Beans Community cancelled.