Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
15.201 2010


Minute Order 025715, dated 11/23/1948

(FM)  From SL 4 at Buda, northward and westward an approximate distance of 3.2 miles. (Hays County)  New Designation

Minute Order 027050, dated 07/14/1949

From SL at Buda northward and westward to Carpenter, a distance of approximately 4.8 miles. (Hays County)  Extended to Carpenter (1.6 miles).

Minute Order 035088, dated 10/28/1953

From SL 4 in Buda northward and westward, a distance of approximately 10.7 miles. (Hays County)  Extended approximately 6.0 miles westward.

Minute Order 036551, dated 08/24/1954, Adm. Cir. 036-1954, dated 09/01/1954

From SL 4 in Buda northward and westward to a road intersection, a distance of approximately 12.5 miles. (Hays County)  Extended northwestward 1.8 miles to a road intersection.

Adm. Auth., dated 10/01/1956, Adm. Cir. 043-1956, dated 10/01/1956

(RM)  From SL 4 in Buda, northward and westward to a point on RM 1826 near Camp Ben McCulloch, a distance of approximately 12.3 miles. (Hays County) Modified to describe northward terminus as RM 1826 revised to reflect length as constructed. Designation changed from FM to RM.

Minute Order 109689, dated 05/27/2004; DesLtr 2-2004, dated 07/02/2004

From IH 35 northward and westward to RM 1826 near Camp Ben McCulloch, a distance of approximately 15.2 miles. (Hays County) (New Description) At District’s request, segment of SL 4 redesignated on the state highway system as RM 967, from the intersection of SL 4 and RM 967, southward to IH 35.