Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
13.987 2010


Minute Order 050916, dated 03/29/1962; Adm. Cir. 081-1962, dated 06/01/1962

Austin Loop - From US 290 southwest of Austin, northward and eastward to US 183, west of the Missouri Pacific Railroad north of Austin.  (Travis County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 062792, dated 09/30/1969; Adm. Cir. 101-1969, dated 11/15/1969

From US 290 southwest of Austin, northward and eastward to SL 1.  (Travis County)  Extended northeastward approx. 0.7 mile from US 183 to SL 1.

Minute Order 106810, dated 04/25/1996; DesLtr 02-1996, dated 05/01/1996

From US 290 southwest of Austin, northward and eastward to US 183, approximately 0.8 mile northwest of SL 1, a total distance of approximately 13.8 miles.  (Travis County)  New description; at District's request, segment of SL 360, from US 183 northeastward to SL 1, a distance of approximately 0.7 mile, removed from State Highway System.