Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
191.901 2010


Original Description per Administrative Circular No. 016-1944

1927 - Beginning on the Oklahoma/Texas State Line at Burkburnett via Wichita Falls, Vernon, Matador, Plainview, Muleshoe, to the Texas/New Mexico State Line west of Farwell.

1929 - Burkburnett 10, Wichita Falls 51, Vernon 113, Matador 64, Plainview 63, Muleshoe 23, Farwell 10.
07/01/1932 - Burkburnett 16, Wichita Falls 62, Vernon 103, Matador 67, Plainview 56, Muleshoe 28, Farwell 10.

03/01/1935 - Burkburnett 16, Wichita Falls 52, Vernon 103, Matador 67, Plainview 56, Muleshoe 28, Farwell 10.

01/1/1939 - Burkburnett 16, Wichita Falls -12, Vernon 103, Matador 67, Plainview 56, Muleshoe 28, Farwell 10.

05/01/42 - Burkburnett 13, Wichita Falls 50, Vernon 99, Matador 58, Plainview 60, Muleshoe 21, Farwell 7.

01/5/1945 - Oklahoma State Line 7 Oklaunion 9, Vernon 99, Matador 58 Plainview 60 Muleshoe 21, Farwell 70

Minute Order 016701, dated 09/26/1939

From the Texas/Oklahoma State Line near Burkburnett via Wichita Falls, Vernon, Crowell, Paducah, Matador, Plainview, and Muleshoe to Farwell. (Wilbarger, Foard, Cottle, Motley, Floyd, Hale, Lamb, Bailey, and Parmer Counties)  General Redescription of Highway System.

Approved AASHTO Ltr. dated 01/05/1945; Adm. Ord. dated 04/07/1947

From the Texas/Oklahoma S/L north of Oklaunion via Oklaunion, Vernon, Crowell, Paducah, Matador, Plainview, and Muleshoe to Farwell.   (Wilbarger, Foard, Cottle, Motley, Floyd, Hale, Lamb, Bailey, and Parmer Counties)