Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
10.723 2010


Minute Order 027140, dated 07/15/1949

(FM)  From FM 580 in Lampasas southwestward to the Burnet County Line, a distance of approximately 3.5 miles. (Lampasas County)  New Designation

Adm. Auth., 02/26/1968

No change in description.  (Lampasas and Burnet Counties) Extended northward 3 blocks due to new location of FM 580. 

Minute Order 061222, dated 07/11/1968, Adm. Cir. 064-1968, dated 08/1968

(RM)  From FM 580 in Lampasas, southwestward approximately 10.8 miles to Naruna. (Lampasas and Burnet Counties)  Designation changed from FM to RM and extended southwestward approximately 7.1 miles. New Designation. 

Adm. Auth., dated 05/05/1992, Des. Ltr. 03/1992, dated 09/14/92

(FM)  From FM 580 in Lampasas, southwestward approximately 10.8 miles to Naruna. (Lampasas and Burnet Counties)   Designation changed from RM to FM.