Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
19.708 2010


Minute Order 042825, dated 10/30/1957; Adm. Circ. 049-1957, dated 12/01/1957

Tyler Loop - From US 271 approx. 2.0 miles northeast of Tyler, southward, westward, northward, and eastward to a point on SL 323 approx. 0.5 mile south of the point of beginning. (Smith County)  New designation; FM 1803 redesignated as SL 323; southern half, from SH 64 east of Tyler to SH 31 west of Tyler, to be marked as SL 323 effective upon the completion of construction presently in progress; northern half to be remarked as SL 323 upon the date the 1958 Official Highway Travel Map is released to the public.