Janet Kavinoky

Director, Transportation & Infrastructure, U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Janet F. Kavinoky is the Director of Transportation Infrastructure in the Congressional and Public Affairs division of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.  She is the Chamber’s senior lobbyist and policy director on all transportation issues and leads the Chamber’s “Let’s Rebuild America” initiative increasing awareness and drive solutions to transportation, energy and broadband infrastructure modernization and expansion needs.  Janet is also the Executive Director of the Americans for Transportation Mobility (ATM) – a national business-labor-construction industry coalition seeking maximum Federal investment in transportation systems.
Prior to joining the Chamber, Janet worked at the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specializing in infrastructure funding and financing, and she spent four years at the U.S. Department of Transportation rising to the position of Special Assistant to the Secretary. 

Janet has a bachelor’s degree in political economy from the University of Wyoming, and an MBA from Stanford University Graduate School of Business.

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