Dr. Steven Dellenback Dr. Steven Dellenback
  Intelligent Transportation Systems Department Director, Southwest Research Institute

Steve Dellenback is the Director of the Intelligent Transportation System Department at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. Southwest Research Institute is a not-for-profit Research and Development organization that provides professional services to design and implement, and deploy systems. He has worked at SwRI for over 20years and has been involved a wide variety of projects ranging from custom microprocessor development efforts to large, highly distributed applications. Steve has been working in the ITS community for over 15 years and has been the project manager and lead designer of a number of programs including the San Antonio TransGuide Model Deployment Initiative, the Florida Department of Transportation SunGuide Software Project and the Texas Department of Transportation Statewide Integrator Program. He holds a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin and a Masters and Doctorate in Computer Science from the University of Kansas.

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