SS7239 |
Lane Closures (Hourly) - Install, maintain, and remove lane closures as shown on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. This specification is intended for lane closures approximately 24 hr. in duration or less.
Districtwide Use.
SS6159 |
All-Weather Paint - Furnish and install a wet reflective pavement marking system in accordance with this specification and in reasonably close conformance to the dimensions and lines shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Approved for use on CSJ: 0113-08-077
Districtwide Use. Special Provisions exist.
SS6149 |
All-Weather Thermoplastic Pavement Markings - Furnish and install a wet reflective pavement marking system in accordance with this Specification and in conformance to the dimensions and lines shown on the plans or established by the Engineer. Also approved for CSJ's 0088-04-070, 0088-05-085, 0088-05-091, 0089-06-088, 0089-06-090,
0143-10-052, 0153-02-040, 0184-01-063,0535-06-044,0463-06-028, 0015-06-087 and 1717-01-010, 0228-06-086.
Districtwide Use.
SS6043 |
Large Roadside Sign Assemblies - Replace, remove, relocate or repair large roadside sign assemblies consisting of sign support, signs, mounting hardware and applicable appurtenances. (2004 SS 8800). Approved for CSJ 6316-19-001 and 6339-46-001
Districtwide Use.
SS5040 |
Floating Turbidity Barrier - For project 0221-05-064, 0221-05-065 in Titus, Van Zandt Counties. Provides for furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing floating turbidity barrier (FTB) to minimize transport and accomplish the isolation of disturbed materials as a result of bridge construction operations.
One-Time Use.
SS4027 |
Temporary Construction Access - For project 0015-09-177, 0015-13-428, 0015-13-433, 0027-01-044, 0033-01-040, 0062-01-035, 0106-04-036, 0114-04-073, 0117-06-047, 0117-06-049, 0171-04-050, 0213-07-047, 0213-08-077, 0214-03-033, 0265-02-036, 0265-04-062, 0270-10-013, 0446-03-047, 0475-01-056, 0520-04-026, 0846-03-048, 1728-02-065 in Bastrop, Bowie, Brazoria, Brazos, Colorado, Comal, Crosby, DeWitt, Fayette, Hays, Henderson, Houston, Jasper, Kent, Liberty, Live Oak, Marion, Matagorda, Newton, Stonewall, Tarrant, Travis, Tyler, Williamson Counties. Design, construction, mobilization, operation, and removal of all temporary structures necessary to remove existing structures and erect new permanent structures.
One-Time Use.
SS3051 |
Pressure Grouting - For project 0009-04-066, 0174-04-040, 0598-01-108, 2658-01-013, 6322-55-001 in Bowie, Fannin, Harris, Hunt, Rockwall Counties. Undersealing existing voids under the concrete pavement at locations shown on the plans or designated by the Engineer.
One-Time Use.
SS2014 |
Asphalt-Stabilized Flexible Base - For project 0919-03-057, 0919-03-059, 0919-03-060, 0919-13-017, 0919-13-018, 0919-22-034, 0919-30-061, 0919-30-062 in Harrison, Marion, Panola, Titus Counties. Construct a mixture of asphalt material and flexible base material to be used as a base and surfacing on off-system roadways, intersections, driveways, turnouts, and other areas shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
One-Time Use.