SP000-002 |
Nondiscrimination - Provides for the inclusion of nondiscrimination clauses into every contract subject to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. (2004 SP 000-2607).
Statewide Use.
SP000-003 |
Certification of Nondiscrimination in Employment - Add certification of having had a previous contract or subcontract subject to the equal opportunity clause required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations of the Secretary of Labor. (2004 SP 000-009). Required on Federal-Aid Construction projects.
Statewide Use.
SP000-004 |
Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive Order 11246) - Establishes goals for minority and female participation in accordance with 41 CFR 60-4. (2004 SP 000-004) Required on Federal-Aid Construction projects.
Statewide Use.
SP000-005 |
Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications - Provides for the inclusion of federal equal employment opportunity clauses as required by Executive Order 11246. (2004 SP 000-006). Required on all Federal-aid construction projects.
Statewide Use.
SP000-006 |
On-the-Job Training Program - Revises the process by which training assignments are based. (2004 SP 000-2638). Required on all federal-aid construction projects beginning with the January 2014 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP000-241 |
Cargo Preference Act Requirements in Federal Aid Contracts - Notification of the requirement to comply with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Cargo Preference Act Requirements, 46 CFR Part 381, Use of United States-Flag Vessels. Required beginning with the April 2016 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP000-394 |
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise in Federal-Aid Contracts - This special provision revises and replaces 2014 special provision 000-007, implements existing U.S. Dept. of Transportation Disadvantage Business Enterprise program rules, and addresses notification of new rules affecting bidders. Required for all federal aid projects beginning with the February 2017 letting.
Replaces SP000-007 . Statewide Use.
SP000-659 |
Notice of Contractor Performance Evaluations - In accordance with 43 TAC §9.26, this special provision notifies the contractor of the evaluation of contractor performance under §9.23. Required for all low-bid projects other than MMC and TMC projects.
Statewide Use.
SP000-1557 |
Certificate of Interested Parties (Form 1295) - Removes the notarization requirement from
Form 1295 and mirrors the current language incorporated into projects utilizing the 2024 standard specification. Required for all projects using the 2014 standard specifications beginning with the Nov. 2024 letting. However, use of this SP prior to the Nov. 2024 letting and change ordering into active projects is at the District's option. Replaces SP000-1019.
Replaces SP000-1019 . Statewide Use.
SP000-1622 |
Schedule of Liquidated Damages - Updates the schedule of liquidated damages to reflect the current administrative cost. The analysis was performed by CTR with concurrence and approval from the Department's Construction Division. This Special Provision is required for all projects beginning with the December 2024 letting. This Special Provision will also replace SP 000-1243 beginning December 2024 letting.
Replaces SP000-1243 . Statewide Use.
SP001-001 |
ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS - Adds definition of Repair and replaces definitions for, Construction Contract, Highway, Street, or Road, Intersection, and Routine Maintenance Contract. Required for all projects beginning with the October 2024 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the October 2024 letting is at the District's option.
Statewide Use.
SP002-009 |
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - Adds language to Standard Item 2 in coordination with SP 000-394 and addresses how bidders are specifically affected in the areas of proposal issuance, non-responsive bids, and DBE commitments by the implementation of existing U.S. DOT regulations. Required for all federal-aid projects beginning with the February 2017 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP002-013 |
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - For project 0000-00-000, 2552-02-028 in Anderson, El Paso Counties. Instruct bidders that ESBD, ICX, Plans Online, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding info for lettings. Bidders to base their bids on info found therein. Required for all projects beginning with the May 2019 letting. Include via addendum to all construction projects on the May 2019 letting. May also be used in subsequent lettings if there continue to be issues with information posted to other websites.
One-Time Use.
SP002-014 |
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - This Special Provision revises Section 2.8.2., ''Proposal Guaranty,'' to add that it is the Bidder's responsibility to ensure the electronic bid bond is issued in the name or department vendor identification number of the Bidder. Required for all projects beginning with the December 2023 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the December 2023 letting is at the District's option.
Statewide Use.
SP002-015 |
INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS - Updated E-Verify language to be in line with TAC. Required for all projects beginning with the December 2023 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the December 2023 letting is at the District's option.
Replaces SP002-011 . Statewide Use.
SP003-011 |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - Adding back TAC rule language 9.18(a)(2) to Item 3 to allow routine maintenance contracts to obtain insurance prior to beginning of work and not prior to executing the contract as stating in Item 3. Required for all projects beginning with the June 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP003-013 |
AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT - This proposed special provision corrects Commercial General Liability Insurance required coverage amount. Required for all projects beginning with the June 2020 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP005-002 |
CONTROL OF THE WORK - Notifies the contractor of the range of contract remedies applicable for substandard performance. Required for all projects beginning with the September 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP005-003 |
CONTROL OF THE WORK - Modifications to Article 5.4 in order to implement requirements of Chapter 473 (HB 2899) of the Transportation Code. Chapter 473 (HB 2899) was effective immediately upon signature (June 2, 2019). Required for all projects using control of the work beginning with the December 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP005-005 |
CONTROL OF THE WORK - Expands Atl. 5.1 Authority of the Engineer, may be either written or oral and payment for Contract work supports it is in accordance w/Contract requirements at that time. Atl. 5.10 Inspection, Engineer may authorize inspectors to adjust trf. control.
Statewide Use.
SP006-001 |
CONTROL OF MATERIALS - Allows contractors the option to choose either the Department or a Department-selected Commercial Lab for conducting the subset of project-level sampling and testing. (2004 SP 006-047). Required on all projects beginning with the November 2014 letting. Contractors choosing Department-selected Commercial Labs will reimburse the Department through a reduction in the monthly progress payment.
Statewide Use.
SP006-012 |
CONTROL OF MATERIALS - Voids and replaces Standard Article 6.10., ''Hazardous Materials, informing the Contractor that TxDOT will abate lead or asbestos separately from the prime contract. Required on all projects beginning with the August 2018 letting except when 006-013 is used. Change Memo de-05-18.
Statewide Use.
SP006-040 |
CONTROL OF MATERIALS - Provides for new Build America Buy America requirements set forth by the Office of Management and Budget in 2 CFR Part 184. Required on all federal projects, also required for any state funded CST projects that were cleared as a part of a corridor under a single NEPA decision with any federal funding on past or future projects within that corridor. Effective Dec 2023 letting.
Replaces SP006-030 . Statewide Use.
SP007-004 |
LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - Identifies contractor co-permittee requirements for storm water management. Required for all projects beginning with the January 2016 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP007-008 |
LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - Revises and replaces Sections 7.18 & 7.19 of the standard specifications requiring the electronic submittals of payrolls using the Department's system. Required on all construction projects (federally-funded and wholly state-funded). NOTE: The Department's system is LCP Tracker.
Statewide Use.
SP007-010 |
LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - For project 0000-00-000, 0015-13-433, 0044-04-047 in Anderson, Montague, Travis Counties. The Contractor will coordinate closures & work to ensure all lanes and ramps possible are available during peak traffic periods. Required on all projects beginning with the September 2017 letting.
One-Time Use.
SP007-011 |
LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - This special provision replaces SP007-001 and has modifications to Section 2.6. Required for all projects beginning with the February 2021 letting.
Replaces SP007-001 . Statewide Use.
SP007-013 |
LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - This Special Provision adds Article 20., ''Security Incidents.'' is required for all projects beginning with the February 2024 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the February 2024 letting is at the district's option.
Statewide Use.
SP008-030 |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - Revises Standard Item 8 to address the Prime Contractors' responsibility for requiring their Subcontractors participation in E-verify. Required for all projects beginning with the April 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP008-033 |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - With this special provision, Article 8.7.2., ''Wrongful Default,'' of the standard specifications and Special Provision 008-023 are voided and replaced. Required on all contracts beginning with the April 2019 letting. Voids and replaces 008-023.
Replaces SP008-023 . Statewide Use.
SP008-054 |
PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS - Item 8, ''Prosecution and Progress'' of the Standard Specifications is amended with respect to Article 3., ''Computation of Contract Time for Completion.'' Required for all projects using ''Prosecution and Progress,'' beginning with the September 2023 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP009-010 |
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - Supplements Article 9.5., ''Progress Payments'' and revises Article 9.6., ''Payment for Material on Hand (MOH).'' Required for all projects beginning with the August 2021 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP009-016 |
MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - Updates Section, ''Standby Equipment Costs,'' and Section, ''Contractor-Owned Equipment.'' The updates clarify markup for standby is paid for extra work, but not when associated with damages. Required for all projects beginning with the April 2024 letting. However, use of this SP may be change ordered into existing contract at District's discretion. Will replace SP 009-011 effective April 2024 letting.
Replaces SP009-011 . Statewide Use.
SP247-005 |
FLEXIBLE BASE - This Special Provision incorporates 2024 Standard Specification language from Item 247. Required for all projects using Flexible Base beginning with the February 2024 letting. Use of this SP prior to the February 2024 letting is at the District's option. It will also replace the current statewide SP 247-003.
Replaces SP247-003 . Statewide Use.
SP300-020 |
ASPHALTS, OILS, AND EMULSIONS - Item 300, ''Asphalt, Oils, and Emulsions'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3096, ''Asphalts, Oils, and Emulsions.'' Required for all projects using Asphalt, Oils, and Emulsions,'' beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP300-002 SP300-003 SP300-004 SP300-005 SP300-006 SP300-007 SP300-008 SP300-010 SP300-013 SP300-017 SP300-018 SP300-019 . Statewide Use.
SP302-003 |
AGGREGATES FOR SURFACE TREATMENTS - Decreases min. cumulative % retained tolerance on #8 sieve for grade 3, allowance to utilize estimated magnesium sulfate soundness to correspond with HMA specs, modifies asphalt extraction test procedures, adds test and reporting deadlines. Required for all projects using aggregates for seal coats beginning with the October 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP310-001 |
PRIME COAT - Removes the reference to ''MPL for Prime Coat'' from Item 310, thereby mirroring the change made in 2024 specification. Required for all projects using Prime Coat beginning with the October 2024 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the October 2024 letting is at the District's option.
Statewide Use.
SP314-001 |
EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TREATMENT - Clarifies language on payment for gallons of emulsion used so it is not confused with residual asphalt. Required for all projects using emulsified asphalt treatment beginning with the November 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP315-001 |
FOG SEAL - Clarifies language on payment for gallons of emulsion used so it is not confused with residual asphalt. Required for all projects using fog seal beginning with the November 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP316-002 |
SEAL COAT - Adds sampling requirements for asphalt binder which includes sampling split samples at least once per project and sampling each binder grade and source used on the project for each production day. This special provision has been approved for statewide use and is required for all projects using seal coat beginning with the October 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP334-004 |
HOT-MIX COLD-LAID ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT - Replace Table 5 in Section 4.1.2., ''Job-Mix Formula Approval.'' Add a Cantabro test with a maximum limit of 10%. Required for all projects using Hot-Mix Cold-Laid Asphalt Concrete Pavement, effective October 2023 letting. This Special Provision also replaces current statewide Special Provision 334-003.
Replaces SP334-003 . Statewide Use.
SP340-004 |
DENSE-GRADED HOT-MIX ASPHALT (SMALL QUANTITY) - Item 340, ''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix (Small Quantity)'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3076,
''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt,'' Section 4.9.4., ''Exempt Production.'' Required for all projects using ''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt,'' Section 4.9.4., ''Exempt Production,'' beginning with the February 2022 letting.
Replaces SP340-002 SP340-003 . Statewide Use.
SP341-004 |
DENSE-GRADED HOT-MIX ASPHALT - Item 341, ''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3076, ''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt.'' Required for all projects using ''Dense-Graded Hot-Mix Asphalt,'' beginning with the February 2020 letting.
Replaces SP341-002 SP341-003 . Statewide Use.
SP342-005 |
PERMEABLE FRICTION COURSE (PFC) - Item 342, ''Permeable Friction Course (PFC)'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3079, ''Permeable Friction Course.'' Required for all projects using ''Permeable Friction Course (PFC)'' beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP342-001 SP342-002 . Statewide Use.
SP344-005 |
SUPERPAVE MIXTURES - Item 344, ''Superpave Mixtures'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3077, ''Superpave Mixtures.'' Required for all projects using ''Superpave Mixtures,'' beginning with the February 2020 letting.
Replaces SP344-004 . Statewide Use.
SP346-004 |
STONE-MIX ASPHALT - Item 346, ''Stone-Matrix Asphalt'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3080, ''Stone-Mix Asphalt.'' Required for all projects using ''Stone-Mix Asphalt,'' beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP346-001 SP346-003 . Statewide Use.
SP347-003 |
THIN OVERLAY MIXTURES (TOM) - Item 347, ''Thin Overlay Mixture (TOM)'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3081, ''Thin Overlay Mixture (TOM).'' Required for all projects using ''Thin Overlay Mixture (TOM),'' beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP347-002 . Statewide Use.
SP348-004 |
THIN BONDED FRICTION COURSES - Item 348, ''Thin Bonded Friction Courses'' of the Standard Specifications is replaced by Special Specification 3082, ''Thin Bonded Friction Courses.'' Required for all projects using ''Thin Bonded Friction Courses,'' beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP348-001 SP348-003 . Statewide Use.
SP350-001 |
MICROSURFACING - Adds the requirement of an electronic monitoring system; added water content operational tolerance of +/- 2% in Table 5, Operational Tolerances; added the requirement of a test strip to be constructed prior to beginning production. Required for all projects using microsurfacing beginning with the June 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP360-001 |
CONCRETE PAVEMENT - Item 360, ''Concrete Pavement'' of the Standard Specifications is amended with respect to Section 360.2.1., ''Materials,'' and Section 360.4.8.3., ''Surface Texture.'' Required for all projects using ''Concrete Pavement,'' beginning with the July 2023 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP420-001 |
CONCRETE SUBSTRUCTURES - Clarifies Article 420.6., ''Payment'' relative to new pay item for Item 426. Required for all projects using Concrete Substructures beginning with the August 2022 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP421-012 |
HYDRAULIC CEMENT CONCRETE - Added Type IL (MS or HS) and Type IT (MS or HS) for SCR concrete in Table 8, and revised to include changes to DMS-4610 and DMS-4635. Required for all projects using Hydraulic Cement Concrete beginning with the January 2024 letting. Use of this Special Provision prior to the January 2024 letting is at the District's option. This will replace SP 421-010 effective January 2024 letting.
Replaces SP421-010 . Statewide Use.
SP423-005 |
RETAINING WALLS - Special Provision incorporates DMS-4800, ''Proprietary Earth Retaining Wall System,'' as well as the approved system lists into the specifications. Required for all projects using Concrete Block and Mechanically Stabilized Earth Panel Type Retaining Wall systems beginning with the November 2023 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP425-001 |
PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS - Modifies Section 2.3., Prestressing Steel.'' To match changes to DMS-4500. Required for all projects using Prestressed Concrete Structural Members beginning with the August 2022 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP426-005 |
POST-TENSIONING - revised the title of DMS-4500 in Section 2.1 to match changes to DMS-4500. Required for all projects using Post-Tensioning beginning with the August 2022 letting. Use of this special provision prior to the August 2022 letting is at the District's option. Will replace 426-003 effective August 2022.
Replaces SP426-003 . Statewide Use.
SP427-003 |
SURFACE FINISHES FOR CONCRETE - Epoxy waterproofing was removed from the Spec Book in the 2014 rewrite this SP reverses that decision and reincorporates epoxy waterproofing. Required for all projects using surface finishes for concrete beginning with the March 2020 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP440-005 |
REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE - Article 2., ''Materials,'' and Article 3., ''Construction,'' are amended. Required for all projects using Reinforcement for Concrete beginning with the January 2024 letting. Use of this SP prior to the January 2024 letting is at the District's option. This will replace SP 440-004 effective January 2024 letting.
Replaces SP440-004 . Statewide Use.
SP441-004 |
STEEL STRUCTURES - Item 441, ''Steel Structures'' of the Standard Specifications is amended with respect to clauses under Article 441.2. and Article 441.3. Required for all projects using steel structures beginning with the April 2022 letting.
Replaces SP441-003 . Statewide Use.
SP442-001 |
METAL FOR STRUCTURES - This proposed special provision updates Item 442 ,''Metal for Structures'' of the Standard Specifications to address the replacement of ASTM A325 and A490 with ASTM F3125. Required for all projects using metal for structures beginning with the August 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP446-005 |
FIELD CLEANING AND PAINTING STEEL - The SP adds NACE NIICAP AS-1 and AS-2 as an equivalent contractor certification to SSPC QP-1 and QP-2 certification to the spec and adds language defining what to do when uncovering unpainted steel during structural operations Required for all projects using field cleaning and painting steel beginning with the July 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP447-001 |
STRUCTURAL BOLTING - Update Item 447 ,''Structural Bolting'' of the Standard Specifications to address the replacement of ASTM A325 and A490 with ASTM F3125.
Statewide Use.
SP448-001 |
STRUCTURAL FIELD WELDING - Item 448, ''Structural Field Welding'' of the Standard Specifications is amended with respect to Article 448.2., ''Materials.'' Required for all projects using ''Structural Field Welding,'' beginning with the May 2022 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP449-002 |
ANCHOR BOLTS - Provision adds steel electrical service supports to the list of poles that require electrical conducting lubricant compound. Required for all projects using anchor bolts per Item 449 beginning with the August 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP450-001 |
RAILING - Item 450, ''Railing'' of the Standard Specifications is amended with respect to Fabrication plants. Required for all projects using Item 450, ''Railing,'' beginning with the February 2022 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP462-002 |
CONCRETE BOX CULVERTS AND DRAINS - Revised Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, revised Section 2.5 ''Marking.'' Section 2.7 ''Defects and Repair,'' and Section 2.8, ''Storage and Shipment,'' revised Section 2.6 ''Tolerance'' for clarity. Required for all projects using concrete box culverts and drains beginning with the November 2019 letting.
Requires DMS-7305, ''Fabrication and Qualification Procedure for Multi-Project Fabrication Plants of Precast Concrete Drainage Structures''
Statewide Use.
SP464-001 |
REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - Fabricators will no longer be required to be qualified per DMS-7310. Revised Section 2.3 ''Marking'', Section 2.5 ''Causes for Rejection,'' and Section 2.6, ''Repairs'' to reference DMS-7305 where applicable.
Requires DMS-7305.
Required for all projects using reinforced concrete pipe beginning with the November 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP465-001 |
JUNCTION BOXES, MANHOLES, AND INLETS - Revised the following: Section 2.1 ''Concrete,'' Section 3.1., ''Precast Junction Boxes, Manholes, and Inlets,'' Section 3.1.1., ''Lifting Holes,'' and Section 3.1.2., ''Marking.'' Requires DMS-7305.
Required for all projects using junction boxes, manholes, and inlets beginning with the May 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP502-008 |
Barricades, Signs, and Traffic Handling - This SP incorporates the language from the current SP 502-007, adds FHWA MASH compliance language, and replaces SP 502-007 for statewide use. Required for all projects using barricades, signs and traffic handling beginning with the December 2020 letting.
Replaces SP502-007 . Statewide Use.
SP506-002 |
Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation, and Environmental Controls - Modifies Standard Item 506 for projects that disturb less than one acre or routine maintenance activities that maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purposes of the site. If SP 506-002 is used, do not use SP 506-005.
Statewide Use.
SP506-005 |
Temporary Erosion, Sedimentation, and Environmental Controls - This special provision is modified to make all training certifications available upon request. Required for all projects using temporary erosion, sedimentation, and environmental controls beginning with the November 2020 letting.
Replaces SP506-004 . Statewide Use.
SP520-002 |
Weighing and Measuring Equipment - This special provision modifies Article 520.2., ''Equipment,'' to allow e-ticketing. Required for all projects using weighing and measuring equipment beginning with the January 2021 letting.
Replaces SP520-001 . Statewide Use.
SP540-001 |
Metal Beam Guard Fence - Article 4.7 in Item 540, has been replaced to specify the Long Span System as being payable by each for consistency with updated roadway standard. Per Change Memorandum de-01-19, SP 540-001 is required on all projects using metal beam guard fence beginning with the April 2019 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP636-001 |
Signs - The proposed removes the requirement for the approval of sign shops in accordance with DMS-7390, Permanent Highway Signs Fabrication Plant Qualification, (a material producer list will not be maintained by TxDOT.) Required all projects using Item 636 beginning with the February 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP643-001 |
Sign Identification Decals - Modifies the decal design and decal description to allow for the addition of the fabricator's name and physical address.
Statewide Use.
SP654-001 |
Sign Walkways - Revised Section 654.3.2, ''Fabrication.'' Required for all projects using sign walkways beginning with the September 2018 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP656-001 |
Foundations for Traffic Control Devices - Provides direction that the ground around the foundation of traffic control devices must be graded as shown on plans (standard sheets). This wording also clarifies that payment for this work is subsidiary to the payment of the foundation. Required for all projects using Foundations for Traffic Control Devices beginning with the January 2022 letting.
Statewide Use.
SP666-007 |
Retroreflectorized Pavement Markings - Revises standard Item 666 Sections 2.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.6 and Article 7. Required on all projects using retroreflectorized pavement markings beginning with the May 2018 letting.
Replaces SP666-001 SP666-002 SP666-004 SP666-005 SP666-006 . Statewide Use.
SP680-006 |
Highway Traffic Signals - Provision removes silicone caulking to reduce corrosion problems with bare copper grounding and to comply electrical detail standards.
Statewide Use.
SP712-003 |
Cleaning and Sealing Joints and Cracks (Asphalt Concrete) - Article 712.4., ''Work Methods,'' is voided and replaced. Required for maintenance projects using ''Cleaning and Sealing Joints and Cracks (Asphalt Concrete),'' beginning with the November 2023 letting. This SP will also replace SP 712-002, and will be voided November 2023 letting.
Replaces SP712-002 . Statewide Use.
SP721-002 |
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Patching Material - Modified Article 3., ''Materials,'' and Section 3.1., ''Sampling and Testing.'' Required for all projects using Fiber Reinforced Polymer Patching Material, beginning with the May 2022 letting.
Replaces SP721-001 . Statewide Use.
SP6011-001 |
LED Changeable Speed Limit Sign - Due to FHWA ruling, Section 6011.2.3.2., ''Flash Function,'' is voided and not replaced.
Section 6011.2.3.3., ''Flashing Lights,'' is voided and not replaced. Required for all projects using LED Changeable Speed Limit Sign beginning with the July 2024 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the July 2024 letting is at the district's option.
Statewide Use.
SP6158-001 |
Trailer Mounted Solar Powered Radar Speed Control Monitor - Section 6158.2.5., ''Display Panel.'' The fourth paragraph is voided and not replaced. required for all projects using Trailer Mounted Solar Powered Radar Speed Control Monitor beginning with the October 2024 letting. However, use of this Special Provision prior to the October 2024 letting is at the District's option.
Statewide Use.
SP6185-002 |
Truck Mounted Attenuator (TMA) and Trailer Attenuator (TA) - Removes the unit of measurement of by the EACH from stationary operation. The only approved unit of measurement for stationary operation of TMA/TA is by the DAY. Required for all projects using truck mounted attenuator (TMA) and trailer attenuator (TA) beginning with the November 2019 letting.
Replaces SP6185-001 . Statewide Use.