Letting Schedule for Austin District (FY 2021)
Bid Tabulations Dashboard
This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page. The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only. |
Austin District (FY 2021) |
Bastrop | Blanco | Burnet | Caldwell | Gillespie | Hays | Lee | Llano | Mason | Travis | Williamson | | |||||||
Bastrop County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0322-01-051 | SH 95 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $840,823 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECTS AND ADD LEFT TURN LANE AT LAKE | 0.0 |
0265-03-052 | SH 71 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $250,000 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
0573-01-032 | SH 304 | Tentative | May 2020 | $5,100,000 | 1 | PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PAVED SURFACE WIDTH | 0.0 |
0530-01-007 | PR 1A | Tentative | May 2020 | $2,076,496 | 10 | REPAIR CULVERTS, ROADWAY AND WALLS IN BASTROP AND BEUSCHER | 0.0 |
0914-18-109 | CS | Tentative | May 2020 | $1,300,000 | 3 | CONSTRUCT MULTI-USE PATH | 0.0 |
Blanco County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
3278-01-003 | RM 473 | Tentative | May 2020 | $6,000,000 | 8 | IMPROVE GAURDRAIL TO DESIGN STANDARDS,SAFETY TREAT FIXED | 0.0 |
0252-04-002 | SS 356 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $268,781 | 1 | SPOT REPAIR AND TY D OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0914-23-010 | VA | Tentative | May 2020 | $200,000 | 10 | STATE PARK IMPROVEMENTS | 0.0 |
Burnet County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0252-01-082 | US 281 | Tentative | Nov 2019 | $1,090,000 | 1 | CONSTRUCT CURBS, RECONFIGURE DRIVEWAYS AND INSTALL TRAFFIC | 0.0 |
2206-02-008 | FM 1478 | Tentative | Nov 2019 | $137,695 | 1 | SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0700-01-044 | SH 71 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $3,370,000 | 1 | LEVEL-UP AND TOM | 0.0 |
0252-02-059 | US 281 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $310,000 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
Caldwell County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0914-22-072 | VA | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $2,156,250 | 3 | FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR 7-MILE EXTENTION OF FM 150 AND 10-MILE | 0.0 |
3006-01-007 | FM 2984 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $1,900,000 | 1 | WIDEN, REPAIR AND SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0115-03-027 | FM 20 | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $5,032,790 | 1 | REPAIR, LEVEL-UP AND SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0152-03-063 | US 183 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $3,465,000 | 1 | Preventive Maintenance | 0.0 |
Gillespie County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0071-06-060 | US 87 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $356,032 | 8 | PROFILE EDGELINE MARKINGS AND PROFILE CENTERLINE MARKINGS | 0.0 |
1534-02-008 | RM 1623 | Tentative | Jul 2020 | $5,370,847 | 8 | IMPROVE GUARDRAIL, SAFETY TREAT OBJECTS,PROFILE EDGELINE | 0.0 |
1903-01-012 | FM 2093 | Tentative | Jun 2020 | $3,855,877 | 8 | IMPROVE GUARDRAILS,SAFETY TREAT OBJ,PROFILE EDGELINE MARKING | 0.0 |
0113-02-065 | US 290 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $3,410,000 | 1 | LEVEL-UP AND TOM | 0.0 |
Hays County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0683-03-040 | RM 12 | Tentative | May 2020 | $801,960 | 3 | PAVEMENT WIDENING FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS | 0.0 |
0914-33-064 | CR | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $870,818 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0914-33-077 | VA | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $0 | 3 | Construct Pedestrian Infrastructure | 0.0 |
0914-33-068 | CR | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $17,160,741 | 3 | CONSTRUCT NEW 2-LANE ROADWAY WITH A GRADE SEPARATION AT | 0.0 |
0914-33-075 | CS | Tentative | Jun 2020 | $2,000,001 | 3 | CONSTRUCT MULTI-USE BIKE/PED. FACILITY | 0.0 |
0366-01-077 | SH 123 | Tentative | May 2020 | $700,000 | 1 | CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS | 0.0 |
0016-02-163 | IH 35 | Tentative | Nov 2019 | $6,690,000 | 1 | MILL,SEAL & THIN OV FRONTAGE RDS | 0.0 |
0285-02-013 | RM 2325 | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $900,000 | 1 | SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0286-01-057 | SH 80 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $1,500,002 | 3 | INSTALL LEFT TURN LANE | 0.0 |
0285-03-061 | RM 12 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $1,860,000 | 1 | TOM OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0286-01-058 | SH 80 | Tentative | May 2020 | $5,000,000 | 1 | COMPLETE GAP IN SHOULDER FOR BICYCLE TRAVEL | 0.0 |
0914-33-078 | VA | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $2,241,586 | 3 | SAN MARCOS RIVER SHARED USE PATH | 0.0 |
1776-01-037 | RM 967 | Tentative | May 2020 | $5,315,000 | 3 | WIDEN ROADWAY WITH CENTER TURN AND ADJUST VERTICAL PROFILE | 0.0 |
0683-03-039 | RM 12 | Tentative | Jun 2020 | $2,407,361 | 8 | ADD 1'-4' SHOULDERS AND CENTER TURN WITH LEFT TURN LANES | 0.0 |
3379-01-016 | RM 12 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $250,210 | 3 | INSTALL MEDIAN ISLANDS, PEDESTRIAN POLES, ADA RAMPS, AND | 0.0 |
0016-02-149 | IH 35 | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $11,736,378 | 1 | Construct Ramps | 0.0 |
1776-02-020 | FM 2001 | Tentative | Aug 2020 | $357,500 | 3 | HIKE AND/OR BIKE | 0.0 |
0987-03-012 | FM 621 | Tentative | May 2020 | $4,080,000 | 3 | WIDEN ROADWAY WITH CENTER TURN LANE | 0.0 |
0016-09-040 | SL 82 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $323,697 | 3 | Landscape Development | 0.0 |
1776-02-019 | FM 2001 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $5,290,100 | 3 | Widen Road - Add Lanes | 0.0 |
3545-02-008 | FM 110 | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $14,435,851 | 3 | CONSTRUCT TWO LANES AND SHOULDERS | 0.0 |
0987-03-011 | FM 621 | Tentative | Jun 2020 | $681,000 | 8 | WIDEN PAVED SHOULDER TO 5 FT OR LESS, ADD LEFT TURN LANE | 0.0 |
0016-02-166 | IH 35 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $2,033,810 | 8 | Hazard Elimination & Safety | 0.0 |
0914-33-079 | CS | Tentative | Jul 2020 | $0 | 3 | Construct Pedestrian Infrastructure | 0.0 |
Lee County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0334-03-021 | FM 696 | Tentative | May 2020 | $0 | 1 | Widen Road - Add Shoulders | 0.0 |
0211-05-019 | US 77 | Tentative | May 2020 | $7,101,206 | 1 | PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PAVED SURFACE WIDTH | 0.0 |
Llano County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0150-04-046 | SH 29 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $5,000,000 | 11 | CONSTRUCT SUPER 2 PASSING LANES | 0.0 |
2687-01-013 | RM 2147 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $1,933,500 | 1 | CONSTRUCT LEFT TURN LANES AND RESURFACE | 0.0 |
Mason County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0071-03-041 | US 87 | Tentative | Nov 2019 | $700,327 | 1 | FULL DEPTH REPAIR, SEAL AND TOM OVERLAY | 0.0 |
Travis County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0914-04-317 | CS | Tentative | Jul 2020 | $22,875,000 | 3 | RECONSTRUCT FROM 4-LN TO 6-LN DIVIDED ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0914-00-401 | VA | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $1,750,000 | 1 | FY 2020 NON-SITE SPECIFIC SIGNALS | 0.0 |
1535-01-012 | FM 1625 | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $1,126,996 | 3 | REALIGN ROADWAY AND RELOCATE HIGHWAY INTERSECTION | 0.0 |
0683-02-074 | RM 620 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $6,988,185 | 2M | INSTALL ITS SIGNS AND DEVICES | 0.0 |
0151-06-143 | US 183 | Tentative | Aug 2020 | $500,000,000 | 3 | Widen Road - Add Lanes | 0.0 |
0700-03-149 | SH 71 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $2,920,338 | 2M | INSTALL ITS SIGNS AND DEVICES | 0.0 |
0265-01-118 | SH 71 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $826,450 | 2M | INSTALL ITS SIGNS AND DEVICES | 0.0 |
0113-13-177 | US 290 | Tentative | May 2020 | $1,309,305 | 1 | MILL, SEAL & THIN OV FRONTAGE RDS- EB ONLY | 0.0 |
0113-13-182 | SL 360 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $1,336,030 | 8 | INSTALL MEDIAN BARRIER | 0.0 |
0265-02-036 | SH 71 | Tentative | May 2020 | $43,031,262 | 1 | CONSTRUCT 4-LANE OVERPASSES AT ROSS RD AND KELLAM RD | 0.0 |
0152-01-080 | US 183 | Tentative | May 2020 | $2,346,700 | 3 | ADD LEFT TURN LANE AND RIGHT-TURN DECELERATION LANE | 0.0 |
0015-11-066 | SL 275 | Tentative | May 2020 | $751,262 | 8 | INSTALL LEFT TURN LANE, CONVERT 4 LANE UNDIVIDED TO SUPER 2 | 0.0 |
0914-04-273 | VA | Tentative | May 2020 | $2,714,999 | 3 | CONSTRUCT BLAKE-MANOR SHARED USE PATH FOR USE BY BICYCLES & | 0.0 |
0914-04-315 | CS | Tentative | May 2020 | $14,050,000 | 3 | EXTEND EXISTING 4-LN DIVIDED ROADWAY BRAKER LN & CONSTRUCT | 0.0 |
0113-13-180 | SL 360 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $5,599,304 | 2M | Purchase And Install Signs & Equip | 0.0 |
2100-01-068 | RM 2222 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $3,934,903 | 2M | INSTALL ITS SIGNS AND DEVICES | 0.0 |
0914-04-319 | VA | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $1,668,000 | 3 | CONSTRUCT 10 PEDESTRIAN HYBRID BEACONS | 0.0 |
3417-03-027 | FM 734 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $3,172,768 | 2M | ITS DEPLOYMENT | 0.0 |
0113-08-060 | US 290 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $440,000,000 | 2M | RECONSTRUCT 4-LN TO 6-LN CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY AND | 0.0 |
0151-06-146 | US 183 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $280,000 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
2100-01-064 | RM 2222 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $1,000,001 | 1 | ADD ACCELERATION LANE AND RAISED CENTER MEDIAN | 0.0 |
1539-02-026 | FM 1626 | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $10,610,688 | 3 | RECONSTRUCT EXISTING 2-LN ROADWAY TO A 4-LN DIVIDED ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0914-04-287 | VA | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $133,199 | 10 | SEAL COAT ROADS, PARKING LOTS AND CAMPSITE PULLOUTS WITHIN | 0.0 |
2100-01-066 | RM 2222 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $1,331,889 | 3 | Infrastructure Improvements | 0.0 |
0151-06-149 | US 183 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $2,300,000 | 11 | OVERLAY AND RESTRIPE TO ADD NORTHBOUND & SOUTHBOUND AUXILARY | 0.0 |
0914-04-243 | CS | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $1,905,000 | 3 | CONST BIKE/PED TRAIL WEST OF LAMAR TO IH 35 | 0.0 |
3417-01-032 | FM 734 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $2,105,541 | 2M | ITS DEPLOYMENT | 0.0 |
0914-04-294 | CS | Tentative | Aug 2020 | $646,900 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
1186-01-091 | FM 969 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $7,060,000 | 3 | RECONSTRUCT EXISTING 2-LN ROADWAY TO A 4-LN DIVIDED ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0015-10-063 | IH 35 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $8,000,000 | 2M | REVERSE NB RAMPS & ADD 1 AUXILIARY LANE | 0.0 |
0683-02-070 | RM 620 | Tentative | Nov 2019 | $1,424,155 | 8 | INTERCONNECT SIGNALS & INSTALL FLASHING YELLOW ARROW | 0.0 |
Williamson County |
CCSJ | Highway | Let Status | Letting Date | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0337-02-049 | SH 29 | Tentative | Sep 2019 | $235,000 | 3 | CONSTRUCT RIGHT TURN DECELERATION LANE ON EASTBOUND SH 29 | 0.0 |
0015-09-177 | IH 35 | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $461,000 | 6 | UPGRADE BRIDGE AND APPROACH RAILING | 0.0 |
0151-08-010 | SL 332 | Tentative | Aug 2020 | $1,348,482 | 3 | Construct Pedestrian Infrastructure | 0.0 |
0015-08-147 | IH 35 | Tentative | Aug 2020 | $59,281,879 | 1 | RECONSTRUCT INTERCHANGE | 0.0 |
0914-05-192 | 183A | Tentative | Mar 2020 | $139,000,000 | 3 | CONSTRUCT 4-LANE TOLLED EXPRESSWAY | 0.0 |
1755-01-019 | RM 1869 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $294,673 | 3 | ADD RIGHT TURN LANES | 0.0 |
0683-01-099 | RM 620 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $131,518 | 3 | CONSTRUCT LEFT & RIGHT TURN LANES AND REMOVE EXISTING U-TURN | 0.0 |
3417-02-033 | FM 734 | Tentative | Feb 2020 | $1,791,625 | 2M | ITS DEPLOYMENT | 0.0 |
0440-01-044 | SH 195 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $300,000 | 6 | REHABILITATE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
2690-01-037 | FM 971 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $2,589,484 | 3 | UPGRADE TO 4-LANE URBAN SECTION | 0.0 |
0015-08-155 | IH 35 | Tentative | Jan 2020 | $6,531,274 | 1 | MILL, SEAL AND OVERLAY NORTHBOUND MAIN LANES | 0.0 |
1378-02-058 | RM 1431 | Tentative | Jun 2020 | $400,000 | 3 | RIGHT TURN LANE ON WB RM 1431 AT WALTON WAY, RAILYARD DRIVE- | 0.0 |
0015-08-408 | IH 35 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $1 | 2M | AIR QUALITY INITIATIVE | 0.0 |
2211-02-028 | FM 1460 | Tentative | Dec 2019 | $1,998,865 | 1 | MILL, SEAL & OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0683-01-098 | RM 620 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $635,704 | 2M | INSTALL ITS SIGNS AND DEVICES | 0.0 |
0440-02-019 | SH 195 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $827,868 | 8 | CLOSE CROSSOVER | 0.0 |
0204-02-033 | US 79 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $783,892 | 8 | INSTALL INTERSECTION FLASHING BEACON | 0.0 |
0273-04-040 | US 183 | Tentative | May 2020 | $1,383,059 | 8 | INSTALL CONTINUOUS TURN LANE, CONSTRUCT PAVED SHOULDERS | 0.0 |
0151-05-115 | US 183 | Tentative | Oct 2019 | $15,200,000 | 3 | REALIGNMENT OF EXISTING US 183 TO OLD HWY 183. OLD 183 TO BE | 0.0 |
0337-01-043 | SH 29 | Tentative | Apr 2020 | $5,292,309 | 2M | RECONSTRUCT RDWY FROM EXIST 4-LANE RDWY WITH CLTL TO 4-LANE | 0.0 |