Highway Designation File

Transportation Planning and Programming Division
Current Description-Effective Date-Authority

Certified Mileage (Open to Traffic)
7.565 2010


Minute Order 038307, dated 06/30/1955; Adm. Cir. 035-1955, dated 08/15/1955

Paris Loop - From FM 79, 1.3 miles northwest of Paris, eastward to FM 195, 1.2 miles northeast of Paris, a distance of approximately 3.3 miles.  (Lamar County)  New Designation.

Minute Order 040930, dated 03/29/1957; Adm. Cir. 024-1957, dated 04/01/1957

From FM 79 approximately 1.3 miles northwest of Paris, eastward to FM 195 approximately 1.2 miles northeast of Paris; thence southward across US 82 and US 271 east of Paris and westward to a connection with SH 24 south of Paris; thence westward and northward crossing US 82 west of Paris; thence to a connection with FM 79 approximately 1.3 miles northwest of Paris.  (Lamar County)  Extended from FM 195 northeast of Paris, southward, westward, and northward to FM 79 at or near point of beginning.

Adm. Auth., dated 05/28/1969; Adm. Circ. 035-1969, dated 06/01/1969

From US 82 near west city limit of Paris, southeastward, eastward, and northward to US 271 and BU 271-B. (Lamar County)  Section from US 271 northward, westward, and southward to US 82 near west city limit of Paris transferred to US's 82 and 271.