2004 English Special Specifications for Waco - District 9 (All)

2004 English Special Provisions By District (All)
2004 English Special Specifications by Item (All)
Specification Information

SS8998  PDF  RTF  Radar Presence Detection Device - Furnish and install radar presence detection devices (RPDD) as shown on the plans and as detailed in this specification. Districtwide Use.
SS8730  PDF  RTF  LED Roadway Illumination Assemblies - Introduce longer-life and higher MTBF LED lighting components for illumination maintenance and future projects. Districtwide Use.
SS8723  PDF  RTF  Battery Back-Up System for Signal Cabinets - Install a Battery Back-Up System (BBU System) for traffic signals that will provide reliable emergency power in the event of utility power failure or interruption. Districtwide Use.
SS8703  PDF  RTF  Accessible Pedestrian Signal Units - Furnish and install accessible pedestrian signal (APS) units. Replaced by SS8835 . Districtwide Use. Special Provisions exist.
SS8615  PDF  RTF  Radar Advance Detection Devices - Provides for the furnishing and installation of radar advance detection devices (RADD) as shown on the plans, and as detailed in this Special Specification. Districtwide Use.
SS8502  PDF  RTF  Installation of Dymanic Message Sign System - Transport, install and test Department furnished Dynamic Message Sign(s) (DMS), controller and equipment cabinet(s). Replaced by SS8791 . Districtwide Use.
SS8260  PDF  RTF  LED Countdown Pedestrian Signal Module - VOID - DO NOT USE. Furnish and install LED “Walking Person” and “Hand” icon pedestrian signal modules with a countdown feature. Replaced by 682-003. Districtwide Use.
SS7602  PDF  RTF  Asbestos Abatement - Abate and remove asbestos containing materials (ACM) at indicated locations on public facilities. Districtwide Use.
SS7601  PDF  RTF  Track Construction & Rehabilitation with Warranty - For project 7107-09-003 in Tom Green County. This Item shall govern for the construction of track on constructed trackbed and rehabilitation of track. One-Time Use.
SS6079  PDF  RTF  LED Changeable Speed Limit Sign - Furnish, maintain, and operate LED Changeable Speed Limit (CSL) sign(s). Districtwide Use.
SS5999  PDF  RTF  Lift Station - Furnish labor, materials, equipment, tools, and other facilities and services necessary to provide a complete lift station. Districtwide Use.
SS5949  PDF  RTF  Vehicle Removal - Allows for the removal of vehicles blocking the travel lanes and the Horizontal Clearances to Obstructions to the nearest location on the right of way that will clear the travel lanes and the Horizontal Clearances to Obstructions. Replaced by SS5997 . Districtwide Use.
SS5947  PDF  RTF  AT&T Telecommunication SystemThis - Item will govern the installation of all facilities belonging to AT&T-Texas, hereinafter referred to as AT&T. Districtwide Use.
SS5946  PDF  RTF  Sanitary Sewer - Provide and install complete sanitary sewer construction and adjustments in conformity with the details shown on the plans in compliance with the Department's Utility Accommodation Policy or as directed. Districtwide Use. Special Provisions exist.
SS5945  PDF  RTF  Water Mains and Service Lines - Provide and install a complete water main system in accordance with the plans and specifications and in compliance with the local utility owner's policies, if any, and the Department's Utility Accommodation Policy. Districtwide Use. Special Provisions exist.
SS5718  PDF  RTF  Remove and Relay Landscape Pavers - This spec will allow existing pavers to be removed and relayed within the same project or on a new project. Replaced by SS5926 . Districtwide Use.
SS5167  PDF  RTF  Incentive for Use of Low Emission Diesel in Nonattainment and Affected Counties - VOID - DO NOT USE. Govern for furnishing and using low emission diesel (LED) fuel during roadway construction or maintenance. Required on all projects (MNT and CST) in the 14 listed Districts for lettings October 2005 thru December 2005. Replaces SS5051 . (Change Memo: de-30-05). Districtwide Use.
SS5051  PDF  RTF  Incentive for Use of Low Emission Diesel in Nonattainment and Affected Counties - Govern for furnishing and using low emission diesel (LED) fuel during roadway construction or maintenance. Required on all projects (MNT and CST) in the 14 listed Districts for lettings February 2005 thru August 2005. Replaces SS5032 .Replaced by SS5167 . Districtwide Use.
SS5032  PDF  RTF  Incentive for Use of Low Emission Diesel in Nonattainment and Affected Counties - Govern for furnishing and using low emission diesel (LED) fuel during roadway construction or maintenance. Required on all projects (MNT and CST) in the 14 listed Districts for lettings February 2005 thru August 2005. Replaced by SS5051 . (Change Memo: de-92-04). Districtwide Use.
SS5005  PDF  RTF  Incentive for Use of Low Emission Diesel in Nonattainment and Affected Counties - VOID - DO NOT USE. Govern for furnishing and using low emission diesel (LED) fuel during roadway construction or maintenance for the Department in specific districts. Required on all projects within the listed 14 districts. May use SS 5000 through December 2004 Letting. SS 5005 is required for the January 2005 letting. Replaces SS5000 . (Change Memo: de-67-04). Districtwide Use.
SS5000  PDF  RTF  Incentive for Use of Low Emission Diesel in Nonattainment and Affected Counties - VOID - DO NOT USE. Provides for incentive payments for purchasing and using low emission diesel (LED) in non-road engines until TCEQ rules require LED use on April 1, 2005. Required on all projects within the listed 14 districts. Lettings dates June 2004 through December 2004. Replaced by SS5005 . Districtwide Use.
SS4447  PDF  RTF  Thermoplastic Pipe - Furnish and install thermoplastic pipe for constructing thermoplastic pipe culverts or thermoplastic storm sewer mains, laterals, stubs, and inlets. Districtwide Use.
SS3226  PDF  RTF  Thin Friction Course Overlay (TFCO) Mixture - Construct a thin friction course overlay surface mix composed of a compacted mixture of aggregate and asphalt binder mixed hot in a mixing plant and placed at a lift thickness of 3/4 to 1 inch. Districtwide Use.
SS1001  PDF  RTF  Compost - Furnish and place compost. Replaces SS1000 . Districtwide Use.
SS1000  PDF  RTF  Compost Manufactured Topsoil - Furnish and place compost manufactured topsoil. Replaced by SS1001 . Districtwide Use.

2004 English Special Provisions By District (All)
2004 English Special Specifications by Item (All)
Specification Information