We welcome your thoughts on how to meet Texas’ transportation challenges. And since good ideas develop into great ideas when they’re shared, we’ll be posting some of the most innovative thoughts here.

How would you transform Texas transportation?

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Your Ideas

  • "Get the HBCU's involved in your conference like Prairie View A&M and Texas Southern University. This will give us the diversity we need to make improvements in all communities. "
  • "With the new federal formula for passenger rail the Texas Legislature and TxDOT need in 2009 to get serious about providing multiple passenger rail service in our major congested corridors like California, New Mexico, Washington, Virginia, Florida, Hawaii, the whole NE Corridor, the Chicago hub, etc. are in the process of doing. With our highway only mentality we in Texas are falling further behind in this critical mode of transportation. Also if we are ever going to get serious about transportation in Texas the Legislature needs to increase the fuels tax by at least 5 cents, or by 3. "

    Roy W., Wac

Learn More

TxDOT recently published its Strategic Plan for 2009–2013.

Read it here (PDF 2.4 mb)