State Let Construction Contracts December, 2023

Last Update: Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Bid Tabulations Dashboard

Use this interactive Tableau dashboard to display bidding information on projects let through statewide and local district letting for the past 24 months.

The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only.

Proposal Information

• Click the PDF icon for an informational proposal. The informational proposal cannot be used to bid.

Contractors prequalified under the BIDDER'S QUESTIONNAIRE are eligible to bid ONLY on waived(W) contracts.
*F = Federal, W = Waived, M = Materials
Baylor0814-01-037FM 422FPDF Icon2,639
Bexar0291-10-119SH 16FPDF Icon499
Brown0923-06-095VAFPDF Icon1,247
Burnet1378-04-056RM 1431FPDF Icon9,089
Caldwell0471-04-035SH 21FPDF Icon12,005
Carson0275-04-061IH 40FPDF Icon14,893
Chambers0368-01-093SH 124PDF Icon6,871
Dallas0092-14-103IH 45FPDF Icon8,326
Dallas0009-02-073SH 78FPDF Icon2,854
Delta0136-04-048SH 19FPDF Icon4,768
Dickens0132-01-055US 82PDF Icon9,731
Ector2224-01-119SL 338PDF Icon8,665
Ector0906-00-268VAPDF Icon3,416
El Paso2121-02-182IH 10FPDF Icon832
El Paso0924-00-114VAPDF Icon4,558
Erath0250-04-049US 281PDF Icon13,101
Fayette0267-02-038SH 159PDF Icon21,052
Galveston0978-01-039FM 517PDF Icon638
Grayson0901-19-226VAPDF Icon399
Grayson0901-19-227VAPDF Icon751
Hale0905-12-045VAPDF Icon1,820
Harris0508-01-387IH 10FPDF Icon2,052
Harris0502-01-235SH 225PDF Icon3,796
Harris0912-72-746VAPDF Icon7,046
Harris0912-72-662VAFPDF Icon2,660
Haskell0360-04-033US 380PDF Icon7,735
Hudspeth0002-19-010BI 10-CPDF Icon13,678
Hunt0009-13-192IH 30FPDF Icon15,588
Hunt0901-22-128VAPDF Icon396
Hutchinson0356-01-108SH 136FPDF Icon5,113
Jasper0244-07-009FM 1747FPDF Icon1,843
Johnson1600-02-019FM 1807PDF Icon2,496
Johnson0019-01-148SH 174FPDF Icon938
Kenedy0327-05-041US 77FPDF Icon181,963
Kent0908-27-006CRFPDF Icon897
Lamar0901-29-102VAPDF Icon594
Llano0700-04-053SH 71FPDF Icon4,446
Mitchell0518-01-020FM 1308FPDF Icon1,523
Nacogdoches0911-08-049CRFPDF Icon2,889
Orange0710-02-071FM 105PDF Icon4,806
Rains0901-30-018CRFPDF Icon553
Randall0067-01-087US 87FPDF Icon8,011
Real0036-05-044US 83PDF Icon11,439
Refugio0155-06-213FM 2678PDF Icon18,249
Shackelford0437-01-025US 283FPDF Icon14,551
Smith0910-16-171CRWFPDF Icon256
Smith0095-08-021US 80FPDF Icon23,747
Stephens0011-07-060US 180FPDF Icon6,900
Terry0228-01-062US 62FPDF Icon11,661
Travis0700-03-149SH 71FPDF Icon7,238
Travis0015-11-074SL 275FPDF Icon2,915
Travis0114-01-068US 290FPDF Icon563
Trinity0319-01-069US 287FPDF Icon7,790
Victoria0432-02-097SH 185FPDF Icon18,074
Webb0922-00-084VAPDF Icon1,308
Webb0922-00-081VAPDF Icon771
Wharton0089-07-154US 59FPDF Icon341,793
Williamson0914-05-237VAFPDF Icon647