Austin District Statistics

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District Total - For county information, select a category

* Certified Data provided for On-System Daily Vehicle Miles, Centerline Miles and Lane Miles are based on calendar year 2023, provided by TPP-Data Management. These mileage statistics are On-System only (under the jurisdiction of TxDOT).

Statistic Value
Square Miles 9,474
Daily Vehicle Miles * 50,151,246.414
Centerline Miles * 3,471.154
Lane Miles * 9,610.950
SDC Population Estimate 2,635,104
Combined Construction / Maintenance Expenditures (FY 2024) $1,301,288,526.35
Construction Expenditures (FY 2024) $984,482,436.57
Non-Contracted Maintenance Expenditures (FY 2024) $24,253,267.72
Contracted Maintenance Expenditures (FY 2024) $292,552,822.06
Vehicles Registered 2,129,516
Highway Construction Projects Percent Costing Less Than Contract Amount 73.33%
Highway Construction Projects Percent Costing More Than Contract Amount 26.67%
Fees paid for Professional Real Estate Appraisal Services in ROW Acquisition $72,100.00
Right of Way Acquisition Professional Service Fees paid to companies $7,032,989.88
Parcels Acquired Through Eminent Domain For Transportation Projects FY 2024 (In Acres) 11.050
Aviation Capital Improvement Grants (FY2024 Grant Awards) $3,756,470
Routine Airport Maintenance Program Grants (FY2024 Grant Awards) $1,100,000
State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loans Approved In FY2024 (Project Cost) $18,853,825
State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) Loans Approved In FY2024 (Loan Amount) $2,871,600
Pass-Through Toll Agreements $227,905,600
Percentage Of Highway Construction Projects Completed On Time 84.44%
Construction Employees
(TxDOT Division/Office counts are available from the Microsoft Excel file.)
Maintenance Employees
(TxDOT Division/Office counts are available from the Microsoft Excel file.)