Letting Schedule for March, 2020 County (FY 2020)
Bid Tabulations Dashboard
This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page. The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only. |
March, 2020 (FY 2020) | (see Links) |
SEP 2019 | OCT 2019 | NOV 2019 | DEC 2019 | JAN 2020 | FEB 2020 | MAR 2020 | APR 2020 | MAY 2020 | JUN 2020 | JUL 2020 | AUG 2020 | | |||||||
CCSJ | County/ District | Highway | Let Status | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0910-08-076 | Anderson/ Tyler | CR | Tentative | $1,382,500 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGES AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0915-12-581 | Bexar/ San Antonio | CR | Tentative | $20,917,924 | 3 | WIDEN TO PROVIDE OPERATIONAL IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING | 0.0 |
0192-02-054 | Brazoria/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $322,114 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0598-02-118 | Brazoria/ Houston | SH 288 | Tentative | $5,708,000 | 1 | MILL, SEAL COAT AND 1.5 IN PFC OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0192-02-055 | Brazoria/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $322,114 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0908-34-027 | Callahan/ Abilene | CR | Tentative | $320,000 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0908-34-028 | Callahan/ Abilene | CS | Tentative | $357,357 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0220-05-081 | Cameron/ Pharr | SH 48 | Tentative | $1,082,987 | 8 | INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL | 0.0 |
0921-06-269 | Cameron/ Pharr | VA | Tentative | $313,500 | 10 | SEAL COAT PARK ROADS & PARKING LOT | 0.0 |
0910-36-129 | Cherokee/ Tyler | CR | Tentative | $1,393,800 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0135-02-062 | Collin/ Dallas | US 380 | Tentative | $621,954 | 8 | INSTALL CONTINOUS ILLUMINATION | 0.0 |
0009-02-065 | Dallas/ Dallas | SH 78 | Tentative | $1,923,064 | 1 | MILL, FULL DEPTH REPAIR & OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0196-03-279 | Dallas/ Dallas | IH 35E | Tentative | $0 | 1 | REPLACEMENT OF LIGHTING CONDUIT, CONDUCTORS AND SERVICES | 0.0 |
0048-01-063 | Dallas/ Dallas | SH 342 | Tentative | $6,768,358 | 1 | REHABILITATE EXISTING ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0430-01-057 | Dallas/ Dallas | SH 352 | Tentative | $8,711,890 | 11 | Repair Roadway | 0.0 |
0081-13-064 | Denton/ Dallas | IH 35W | Tentative | $1,484,901 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0037-05-053 | Dimmit/ Laredo | US 83 | Tentative | $2,066,135 | 8 | PROFILE EDGELINE MARKINGS, PROFILE CENTERLINE MARKINGS | 0.0 |
0906-00-190 | Ector/ Odessa | VA | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 1 | PAVEMENT MARKINGS (IH) | 0.0 |
0906-00-191 | Ector/ Odessa | VA | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 1 | PAVEMENT MARKINGS (NON-IH) | 0.0 |
0908-23-045 | Fisher/ Abilene | CR | Tentative | $1,040,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0908-23-048 | Fisher/ Abilene | CR | Tentative | $230,412 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0908-23-050 | Fisher/ Abilene | CR | Tentative | $262,548 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
1415-03-012 | Fort Bend/ Houston | FM 2759 | Tentative | $900,000 | 11 | CONSTRUCT SOUNDWALL | 0.0 |
0912-34-192 | Fort Bend/ Houston | VA | Tentative | $6,092,000 | 3 | INSTALL WIRELESS TRAFFIC SIGNAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM | 0.0 |
0192-01-100 | Fort Bend/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $150,800 | 8 | INSTALL LED FLASHING CHEVRONS (CURVE) | 0.0 |
0192-01-099 | Fort Bend/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $5,826,000 | 2M | INSTALL ITS EQUIPMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE - 144-STRAND FIBER | 0.0 |
1685-06-035 | Fort Bend/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $322,134 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0495-07-080 | Gregg/ Tyler | IH 20 | Tentative | $3,161,480 | 6 | Bridge Maintenance | 0.0 |
3256-03-096 | Harris/ Houston | SL 8 | Tentative | $500,000 | 11 | RESTRIPING FROM 6 TO 8 LANES | 0.0 |
1685-05-128 | Harris/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $322,114 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
1685-05-123 | Harris/ Houston | SH 6 | Tentative | $399,932 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
1258-04-062 | Harris/ Houston | FM 1093 | Tentative | $2,710,000 | 1 | FULL DEPTH CONCRETE REPAIR, CRACK & SPALL REPAIR, SEAL COAT, | 0.0 |
0063-01-094 | Harrison/ Atlanta | FM 1186 | Tentative | $2,325,035 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECTS | 0.0 |
0016-02-149 | Hays/ Austin | IH 35 | Tentative | $11,736,378 | 1 | Construct Ramps | 0.0 |
3545-02-008 | Hays/ Austin | FM 110 | Tentative | $14,435,851 | 3 | CONSTRUCT TWO LANES AND SHOULDERS | 0.0 |
0911-28-039 | Houston/ Lufkin | CR | Tentative | $1,260,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0420-02-047 | Jackson/ Yoakum | SH 172 | Tentative | $1,254,007 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECTS | 0.0 |
0200-14-089 | Jefferson/ Beaumont | US 69 | Tentative | $3,000,000 | 1 | 1.5" MILL AND OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0200-11-107 | Jefferson/ Beaumont | US 69 | Tentative | $1,543,953 | 6 | CLEAN JOINTS, PAINT STEEL, REPLACE BEARINGS | 0.0 |
0100-05-001 | Karnes/ Corpus Christi | US 181 | Tentative | $394,860 | 6 | BRIDGE MAINTENANCE | 0.0 |
0697-03-031 | Kaufman/ Dallas | FM 429 | Tentative | $215,676 | 8 | INSTALL ADVANCE WARNING SIGNALS AND HIGH FRICTION SURFACE | 0.0 |
0918-11-097 | Kaufman/ Dallas | CR | Tentative | $286,933 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROCHES | 0.0 |
0102-04-099 | Kleberg/ Corpus Christi | US 77 | Tentative | $45,000,000 | 1 | CONSTRUCT MAINLANES, FRONTAGE ROADS AND STRUCTURES | 0.0 |
0688-02-057 | Lamar/ Paris | FM 79 | Tentative | $1,824,524 | 1 | MILL AND INLAY | 0.0 |
1061-01-033 | Liberty/ Beaumont | FM 1010 | Tentative | $514,209 | 8 | INSTALL CHEVRONS(CURVE), INCREASE SUPERELEVATION, MILLED | 0.0 |
0908-20-027 | Nolan/ Abilene | CR | Tentative | $260,000 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0916-00-091 | Nueces/ Corpus Christi | VA | Tentative | $1,500,000 | 1 | DISTRICT WIDE SMALL SIGN REPLACEMENT | 0.0 |
2562-01-020 | Orange/ Beaumont | FM 1442 | Tentative | $2,500,001 | 1 | REHABILITATE EXISTING ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0902-38-128 | Parker/ Ft Worth | VA | Tentative | $1,042,350 | 3 | CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SIGNAGE, AND PAVEMENT | 0.0 |
0314-07-072 | Parker/ Ft Worth | IH 20 | Tentative | $9,285,703 | 1 | REPAIR BASE FAILURES, MILL & OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0076-08-027 | Reagan/ San Angelo | US 67 | Tentative | $25,500,000 | 1 | ADD PASSING LANES | 0.0 |
0908-19-026 | Scurry/ Abilene | CS | Tentative | $1,340,000 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0902-48-732 | Tarrant/ Ft Worth | CR | Tentative | $1,327,142 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE-CLASS CULVERT | 0.0 |
0914-00-401 | Travis/ Austin | VA | Tentative | $1,750,000 | 1 | FY 2020 NON-SITE SPECIFIC SIGNALS | 0.0 |
1535-01-012 | Travis/ Austin | FM 1625 | Tentative | $1,126,996 | 3 | REALIGN ROADWAY AND RELOCATE HIGHWAY INTERSECTION | 0.0 |
1828-01-024 | Tyler/ Beaumont | FM 1943 | Tentative | $330,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0910-12-021 | Van Zandt/ Tyler | CR | Tentative | $692,370 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0237-03-035 | Webb/ Laredo | SH 44 | Tentative | $1,995,875 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECT | 0.0 |
2150-02-009 | Webb/ Laredo | FM 1472 | Tentative | $2,430,600 | 8 | MILLED EDGELINE RUMBLE STRIPS, MILLED CENTERLINE RUMBLE STRP | 0.0 |
0015-09-177 | Williamson/ Austin | IH 35 | Tentative | $461,000 | 6 | UPGRADE BRIDGE AND APPROACH RAILING | 0.0 |
0914-05-192 | Williamson/ Austin | 183A | Tentative | $139,000,000 | 3 | CONSTRUCT 4-LANE TOLLED EXPRESSWAY | 0.0 |
2466-01-010 | Wise/ Ft Worth | FM 2048 | Tentative | $59,486 | 8 | INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS AND SIGNS (INTERSECTION) | 0.0 |
0910-35-034 | Wood/ Tyler | CR | Tentative | $825,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |