Letting Schedule for October, 2019 County (FY 2020)
Bid Tabulations Dashboard
This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page. The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only. |
October, 2019 (FY 2020) | (see Links) |
SEP 2019 | OCT 2019 | NOV 2019 | DEC 2019 | JAN 2020 | FEB 2020 | MAR 2020 | APR 2020 | MAY 2020 | JUN 2020 | JUL 2020 | AUG 2020 | | |||||||
CCSJ | County/ District | Highway | Let Status | Contract Cost | Fund Cat | Description | DBE Goal |
0271-02-049 | Austin/ Yoakum | IH 10 | Tentative | $133,812,155 | 1 | Widen Road - Add Lanes | 0.0 |
0315-09-011 | Austin/ Yoakum | FM 2502 | Tentative | $615,655 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECTS | 0.0 |
0945-01-042 | Bowie/ Atlanta | SH 93 | Tentative | $940,000 | 10 | CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS | 0.0 |
0049-12-105 | Brazos/ Bryan | SH 6 | Tentative | $974,516 | 6 | Bridge Maintenance | 0.0 |
0923-06-078 | Brown/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $438,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-06-058 | Brown/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $180,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-06-077 | Brown/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $672,750 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
3006-01-007 | Caldwell/ Austin | FM 2984 | Tentative | $1,900,000 | 1 | WIDEN, REPAIR AND SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0515-03-051 | Calhoun/ Yoakum | FM 1090 | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 1 | PAVEMENT REPAIR AND RESURFACING | 0.0 |
0224-02-045 | Clay/ Wichita Falls | US 287 | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-17-080 | Comanche/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $251,160 | 6 | BRIDGE REPLACEMENT | 0.0 |
0923-17-079 | Comanche/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $314,600 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-17-081 | Comanche/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $220,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-17-082 | Comanche/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $385,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0081-05-046 | Denton/ Dallas | FM 428 | Tentative | $10,573,642 | 1 | RESURFACE ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0196-01-111 | Denton/ Dallas | US 77 | Tentative | $1,720,625 | 1 | MILL, REPAIR, OVERLAY AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS | 0.0 |
0196-01-110 | Denton/ Dallas | US 77 | Tentative | $1,821,072 | 1 | FULL DEPTH CONCRETE REPAIR | 0.0 |
0195-02-071 | Denton/ Dallas | US 77 | Tentative | $3,557,514 | 1 | Repair Roadway | 0.0 |
0923-09-065 | Eastland/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $497,250 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0923-09-064 | Eastland/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $438,750 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0007-06-258 | Eastland/ Brownwood | IH 20 | Tentative | $2,000,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE | 0.0 |
0923-09-063 | Eastland/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $438,750 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
0906-00-192 | Ector/ Odessa | VA | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 11 | REPAIR BRIDGE JOINTS | 0.0 |
0924-06-553 | El Paso/ El Paso | VA | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 5 | OPERATING ASSISTANCE FOR 2ND YEAR OF NEW TRANSIT SERVICE | 0.0 |
2552-02-028 | El Paso/ El Paso | SL 375 | Tentative | $89,327,452 | 1 | WIDEN ROAD - ADD LANES | 0.0 |
2121-02-161 | El Paso/ El Paso | IH 10 | Tentative | $1,500,000 | 3 | BRIDGE AESTHETICS AND LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS | 0.0 |
0909-38-079 | Falls/ Waco | CR | Tentative | $290,000 | 6 | REPLACE BRIDGE AND APPROACHES | 0.0 |
1257-01-051 | Fort Bend/ Houston | FM 1092 | Tentative | $322,114 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0166-02-044 | Freestone/ Bryan | SH 75 | Tentative | $7,693,992 | 1 | Preventive Maintenance | 0.0 |
0389-12-092 | Harris/ Houston | SH 146 | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 11 | INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS | 0.0 |
0111-01-096 | Harris/ Houston | FM 521 | Tentative | $322,114 | 8 | IMPROVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCED WARNING SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0508-01-355 | Harris/ Houston | IH 10 | Tentative | $633,000 | 1 | INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS | 0.0 |
0508-07-288 | Harris/ Houston | SS 330 | Tentative | $420,000 | 1 | INSTALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS | 0.0 |
0720-03-141 | Harris/ Houston | SH 249 | Tentative | $3,319,571 | 1 | RAMP REVERSAL,CRCP,ASB,CSB,LTS,STORMSEWER CTMS,SIGNING AND | 0.0 |
0720-03-146 | Harris/ Houston | Tentative | $2,961,461 | 3 | HIKE AND/OR BIKE | 0.0 | |
0912-72-536 | Harris/ Houston | CR | Tentative | $5,238,360 | 3 | REHABILITATION OF EXISTING FERRY AND BERTHING FACILITIES. | 0.0 |
0508-01-357 | Harris/ Houston | IH 10 | Tentative | $2,459,000 | 9 | CONSTRUCT SHARED USE PATH | 0.0 |
0495-08-122 | Harrison/ Atlanta | IH 20 | Tentative | $1,252,162 | 6 | BRIDGE MAINTENANCE | 0.0 |
0286-01-057 | Hays/ Austin | SH 80 | Tentative | $1,500,002 | 3 | INSTALL LEFT TURN LANE | 0.0 |
0164-03-054 | Henderson/ Tyler | SH 31 | Tentative | $1,064,720 | 8 | IMPROVE & INTERCONNECT SIGNALS | 0.0 |
0901-22-121 | Hunt/ Paris | VA | Tentative | $311,950 | 3 | 5-FOOT SIDEWALK AND ADA RAMP CONSTRUCTION | 0.0 |
0901-29-090 | Lamar/ Paris | VA | Tentative | $1,304,000 | 3 | 10-FOOT WIDE SHARED USE PATH ON RAILBANKED CORRIDOR | 0.0 |
0028-04-078 | Liberty/ Beaumont | US 90 | Tentative | $1,661,553 | 8 | SAFETY LIGHTING | 0.0 |
0073-07-062 | Live Oak/ Corpus Christi | IH 37 | Tentative | $3,293,900 | 8 | IMPROVE GUARDRAIL TO DESIGN STANDARDS | 0.0 |
0117-05-054 | Madison/ Bryan | SH 21 | Tentative | $1,275,000 | 11 | WIDEN BRIDGE | 0.0 |
1986-01-065 | Montgomery/ Houston | FM 1314 | Tentative | $1,000,000 | 3 | INSTALL CULVERTS | 0.0 |
2263-02-095 | Nueces/ Corpus Christi | SH 361 | Tentative | $3,122,152 | 10 | REMOVE AND REPLACE RAMP HINGES | 0.0 |
0916-00-220 | Nueces/ Corpus Christi | VA | Tentative | $4,000,000 | 1 | DISTRICT WIDE HOT RUBBER SEAL 2020 PLAN CSJ | 0.0 |
0916-00-089 | Nueces/ Corpus Christi | VA | Tentative | $6,000,000 | 1 | DISTRICT WIDE SEAL COAT PROGRAM 2020 PLANNING CSJ | 0.0 |
0883-02-087 | Orange/ Beaumont | FM 105 | Tentative | $1,495,893 | 8 | SAFETY TREAT FIXED OBJECTS, CONSTRUCT PAVED SHOULDERS(1-4FT) | 0.0 |
0063-04-064 | Panola/ Atlanta | US 59 | Tentative | $5,538,568 | 1 | SEAL COAT | 0.0 |
0388-01-060 | Polk/ Lufkin | SH 146 | Tentative | $364,274 | 8 | INSTALL FLASHING BEACON | 0.0 |
2635-01-038 | Potter/ Amarillo | SL 335 | Tentative | $8,300,000 | 1 | OVERLAY | 0.0 |
0090-05-100 | Potter/ Amarillo | SL 279 | Tentative | $620,198 | 10 | CONSTRUCT CURB RAMPS | 0.0 |
0901-27-053 | Red River/ Paris | VA | Tentative | $1,027,689 | 3 | 10-FOOT WIDE SHARED USE PATH ON RAILBANKED CORRIDOR | 0.0 |
0901-27-052 | Red River/ Paris | VA | Tentative | $570,812 | 3 | 10-FOOT WIDE SHARED USE PATH ON RAILBANKED CORRIDOR | 0.0 |
0045-12-088 | Red River/ Paris | US 82 | Tentative | $24,711 | 8 | SAFETY LIGHTING | 0.0 |
0139-05-048 | Reeves/ Odessa | US 285 | Tentative | $5,821,200 | 11 | Preventive Maintenance | 0.0 |
0180-10-081 | San Patricio/ Corpus Christi | SH 361 | Tentative | $30,000 | 1 | PRELIMINATY ENG. FOR PREEMPTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT INTERS. | 0.0 |
0916-28-073 | San Patricio/ Corpus Christi | CS | Tentative | $777,630 | 3 | INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS IN TAFT | 0.0 |
0087-06-030 | San Patricio/ Corpus Christi | BS 359B | Tentative | $648,000 | 3 | INSTALLATION OF SIDEWALKS AND BIKE LANES IN MATHIS | 0.0 |
0923-25-024 | San Saba/ Brownwood | CR | Tentative | $808,339 | 6 | Bridge Replacement | 0.0 |
0164-04-159 | Smith/ Tyler | SH 31 | Tentative | $627,673 | 8 | IMPROVE & INTERCONNECT SIGNALS, INSTALL ADVANCE WARNING | 0.0 |
0259-03-055 | Somervell/ Ft Worth | US 67 | Tentative | $7,500,000 | 1 | CONSTRUCT SUPER 2 PASSING LANES | 0.0 |
0907-00-174 | Tom Green/ San Angelo | VA | Tentative | $1,500,000 | 11 | UPGRADE SIGNALS AND ILLUMINATION | 0.0 |
2410-01-011 | Tom Green/ San Angelo | FM 2105 | Tentative | $7,920,000 | 1 | REHABILITATION OF EXISTING ROADWAY | 0.0 |
2100-01-066 | Travis/ Austin | RM 2222 | Tentative | $1,331,889 | 3 | Infrastructure Improvements | 0.0 |
1186-01-091 | Travis/ Austin | FM 969 | Tentative | $7,060,000 | 3 | RECONSTRUCT EXISTING 2-LN ROADWAY TO A 4-LN DIVIDED ROADWAY | 0.0 |
0015-10-063 | Travis/ Austin | IH 35 | Tentative | $8,000,000 | 2M | REVERSE NB RAMPS & ADD 1 AUXILIARY LANE | 0.0 |
0076-06-037 | Upton/ Odessa | US 67 | Tentative | $29,946,000 | 11 | ROADWAY WIDENING TO A MODIFIED SUPER 2 | 0.0 |
0922-33-169 | Webb/ Laredo | VA | Tentative | $500,000 | 11 | UPGRADE AND INTERCONNECTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS | 0.0 |
1755-01-019 | Williamson/ Austin | RM 1869 | Tentative | $294,673 | 3 | ADD RIGHT TURN LANES | 0.0 |
0015-08-408 | Williamson/ Austin | IH 35 | Tentative | $1 | 2M | AIR QUALITY INITIATIVE | 0.0 |
0151-05-115 | Williamson/ Austin | US 183 | Tentative | $15,200,000 | 3 | REALIGNMENT OF EXISTING US 183 TO OLD HWY 183. OLD 183 TO BE | 0.0 |