State Let Construction Contracts April, 2021

Last Update: Thursday, April 08, 2021

Bid Tabulations Dashboard

Use this interactive Tableau dashboard to display bidding information on projects let through statewide and local district letting for the past 24 months.

The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only.

Proposal Information

• Click the PDF icon for an informational proposal. The informational proposal cannot be used to bid.

Contractors prequalified under the BIDDER's QUESTIONAIRE are eligible to bid ONLY on waived(W) contracts.
*F = Federal, W = Waived, M = Materials
Angelina0911-38-071VAFPDF Icon128
Archer0804-02-013FM 368FPDF Icon904
Bexar0521-05-148IH 410FPDF Icon23,898
Bexar2452-02-083SL 1604FPDF Icon166,009
Bexar0016-08-039SL 368FPDF Icon7,127
Bexar0915-00-229VAPDF Icon1,085
Bexar0915-00-235VAFPDF Icon1,496
Brazoria0912-31-286CRPDF Icon524
Brazoria2523-02-069FM 2004PDF Icon1,621
Brown0128-01-116US 377FPDF Icon974
Cass0138-10-029FM 248FPDF Icon3,271
Coke0907-14-009CRFPDF Icon365
Comanche0183-01-049SH 36FPDF Icon219
Dallas0918-47-212CSFPDF Icon2,026
Eastland0182-01-017SH 36FPDF Icon2,472
El Paso2326-01-029FM 2529FPDF Icon1,620
El Paso2121-04-112IH 10FPDF Icon406
El Paso2552-05-002SL 375FPDF Icon1,214
Fayette0408-01-043SH 159FPDF Icon5,910
Freestone0459-01-080FM 488FPDF Icon1,008
Gonzales0913-22-052CRFPDF Icon1,109
Hardin1096-01-065FM 770FPDF Icon2,513
Harris3510-06-026SH 99PDF Icon3,600
Harris3256-01-121SL 8PDF Icon4,864
Harrison0062-07-094US 59FPDF Icon517
Hartley0041-02-016US 385FPDF Icon8,784
Hays0016-03-114IH 35PDF Icon86,879
Hudspeth0002-06-058IH 10FPDF Icon1,812
Hudspeth0374-07-028US 62FPDF Icon2,998
Jefferson0368-03-037SH 124FPDF Icon427
Jones0033-05-095US 83PDF Icon265
Lamar1690-01-132US 271FPDF Icon1,414
Lee0334-03-021FM 696PDF Icon2,329
Liberty0388-03-081SH 146FPDF Icon390
Llano0914-25-008CRFPDF Icon1,356
Lubbock0905-00-093VAPDF Icon2,218
Mason0914-26-009CSFPDF Icon209
McLennan0909-22-180FDFPDF Icon468
Midland1188-02-100SL 250PDF Icon22,306
Milam0186-01-025SH 36FPDF Icon787
Mills0289-02-018SH 16FPDF Icon206
Montague1767-03-020FM 1816FPDF Icon327
Montgomery0720-02-097FM 149FPDF Icon463
Moore0066-05-065US 87FPDF Icon31,826
Nueces0074-06-253US 181FPDF Icon294
Orange0882-02-059FM 1006FPDF Icon597
Tarrant0008-12-095IH 20FPDF Icon1,670
Titus0222-01-056SH 49FPDF Icon3,943
Travis3136-01-191SL 1PDF Icon1,385
Travis3136-01-194SL 1PDF Icon1,906
Webb0922-00-073VAPDF Icon1,706
Wharton0913-09-102CRFPDF Icon1,366
Wilbarger0043-06-096US 70FPDF Icon269
Williamson0914-05-209VAPDF Icon286
Wise0013-06-047US 81FPDF Icon3,079