State Let Construction Contracts April, 2022

Last Update: Monday, April 11, 2022

Bid Tabulations Dashboard

This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page.

The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only.

Proposal Information

• Click the PDF icon for an informational proposal. The informational proposal cannot be used to bid.

Contractors prequalified under the BIDDER's QUESTIONAIRE are eligible to bid ONLY on waived(W) contracts.
*F = Federal, W = Waived, M = Materials
Anderson0520-08-071SH 155PDF Icon16,863
Angelina0911-00-122VAFPDF Icon541
Bastrop0265-05-088SH 71PDF Icon1,835
Bell3534-01-012SH 201FPDF Icon2,434
Bell0398-04-077SH 317FPDF Icon257
Bexar0017-09-111IH 35FPDF Icon2,543
Brazoria0111-09-044BS 288BPDF Icon3,926
Brazoria0178-03-158SH 35PDF Icon4,507
Burleson0917-30-057CRFPDF Icon1,013
Cass0062-04-051US 59FPDF Icon538
Chambers1024-02-049FM 1405FPDF Icon94
Cooke0312-01-076FM 51FPDF Icon4,931
Dallas0918-47-248CSFPDF Icon1,626
Denton0816-03-020FM 455FPDF Icon3,582
Ector0906-00-216VAPDF Icon7,459
El Paso0924-00-105VAPDF Icon969
Erath0774-01-019FM 219PDF Icon9,106
Gillespie0113-02-062US 290FPDF Icon9,683
Goliad0916-26-021CRFPDF Icon677
Grayson0901-19-205CSFPDF Icon2,345
Grimes0917-17-074CRFPDF Icon573
Harris0508-01-354IH 10PDF Icon6,769
Harris0500-03-634IH 45PDF Icon674
Harrison0919-03-064CSFPDF Icon519
Hays0286-01-057SH 80FPDF Icon6,473
Hidalgo0255-08-108IH 69CPDF Icon9,898
Hockley0130-04-036SH 114FPDF Icon144
Houston0117-06-047SH 21FPDF Icon26,829
Hunt0009-13-183IH 30FPDF Icon1,667
Hunt0009-07-043SS 302FPDF Icon3,730
Jack0902-40-021CRFPDF Icon802
Jack0249-05-031US 281PDF Icon24,259
Jasper0920-12-047VAFPDF Icon884
Jim Wells0254-03-081US 281FPDF Icon18,342
Jones0484-01-025FM 707FPDF Icon1,759
Liberty0951-01-075SH 105FPDF Icon616
Live Oak0073-07-001IH 37FPDF Icon400
McLennan0909-00-062VAPDF Icon1,104
Milam0917-12-084CRFPDF Icon485
Montgomery0523-10-047FM 1488FPDF Icon11,752
Panola0063-05-040US 59FPDF Icon2,092
Potter0904-00-199VAFPDF Icon879
Refugio0371-02-080US 77FPDF Icon2,763
Robertson0049-14-014FM 46FPDF Icon2,203
Robertson0648-01-037FM 50FPDF Icon471
Smith0910-00-132VAFPDF Icon610
Swisher0302-04-022SH 86FPDF Icon2,035
Tarrant0172-01-054BU 287PFPDF Icon881
Tarrant0902-90-057CSFPDF Icon1,434
Taylor0006-05-117IH 20PDF Icon9,648
Tom Green0264-06-043US 277FPDF Icon15,326
Tom Green0907-00-178VAFPDF Icon1,012
Van Zandt0108-12-018SH 19FPDF Icon8,430
Webb0922-00-074VAPDF Icon2,447
Wharton0913-09-109CRFPDF Icon1,380
Wheeler1235-01-012FM 1046FPDF Icon4,951
Williamson0914-05-212VAPDF Icon474