State Let Construction Contracts May, 2022

Last Update: Monday, May 09, 2022

Bid Tabulations Dashboard

This report will no longer be updated, please access links on the Contract Letting page.

The Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD), the Electronic Bidding System, and the project proposal are the official sources of advertisement and bidding information for the State and Local Lettings. Bidders should bid the project using the information found therein, including any addenda. These sources take precedence over information from other sources, including TxDOT webpages, which are unofficial and intended for informational purposes only.

Proposal Information

• Click the PDF icon for an informational proposal. The informational proposal cannot be used to bid.

Contractors prequalified under the BIDDER's QUESTIONAIRE are eligible to bid ONLY on waived(W) contracts.
*F = Federal, W = Waived, M = Materials
Anderson0910-08-081VAFPDF Icon748
Aransas0180-05-065BS 35-LPDF Icon1,492
Armstrong0042-03-044US 287PDF Icon1,096
Austin0913-20-093CRFPDF Icon1,314
Bell0184-04-053SH 36FPDF Icon488
Bexar0291-10-114SH 16FPDF Icon11,960
Bexar0915-00-237VAPDF Icon1,489
Bexar0915-00-238VAPDF Icon2,175
Brazoria0587-01-064FM 1495PDF Icon5,552
Brown0128-01-111US 377FPDF Icon3,427
Brown0923-00-075VAFPDF Icon133
Burleson0116-03-066SH 21FPDF Icon2,054
Cameron0921-06-311CSFPDF Icon811
Carson0169-03-039US 60FPDF Icon3,049
Chambers0389-02-057SH 146PDF Icon336
Collin0619-03-061FM 544FPDF Icon3,560
Cooke0044-07-074US 82FPDF Icon96
Dallas0197-02-133US 175FPDF Icon2,294
De Witt0715-03-014FM 108FPDF Icon10,644
Denton0918-46-299CSFPDF Icon2,749
Eastland0007-04-134SH 112FPDF Icon1,003
Eastland0923-09-069VAFPDF Icon709
Ector0572-01-072SH 302FPDF Icon2,490
El Paso2552-02-028SL 375FPDF Icon82,985
Erath0080-02-061US 377FPDF Icon399
Foard1514-01-013FM 1594WFPDF Icon144
Gonzales0942-02-011FM 2067FPDF Icon2,507
Grayson0081-08-011BU 377BFPDF Icon3,361
Gregg0910-07-083CSWFPDF Icon105
Gregg0545-01-014SH 135FPDF Icon8,295
Gregg0392-08-023SS 502WFPDF Icon261
Harrison0919-03-063CSFPDF Icon300
Harrison3041-03-012FM 3001FPDF Icon4,207
Hidalgo0921-02-483VAFPDF Icon1,611
Hill0519-02-019SH 174FPDF Icon16,611
Hill0014-07-101SH 81FPDF Icon2,727
Hopkins0901-28-093CRFPDF Icon577
Hunt0135-06-034US 380FPDF Icon785
Karnes0100-05-187US 181FPDF Icon590
Kaufman0095-04-072US 80FPDF Icon2,159
Kerr0291-03-076SH 16FPDF Icon1,389
La Salle0922-20-020CRFPDF Icon3,608
Lamb0052-05-047US 84FPDF Icon2,514
Limestone0643-03-030FM 39FPDF Icon1,650
Loving0479-03-016SH 302FPDF Icon36,202
Matagorda0179-04-100SH 35FPDF Icon2,998
McLennan0055-07-064US 84FPDF Icon1,548
Midland0005-14-100IH 20FPDF Icon51,463
Montgomery0177-14-039SL 494FPDF Icon7,475
Nacogdoches3248-01-007FM 1878FPDF Icon5,200
Navarro0092-06-105IH 45PDF Icon7,146
Nueces0617-01-206SH 358FPDF Icon6,173
Orange0028-14-120IH 10PDF Icon2,610
Polk0911-04-089CRFPDF Icon437
Polk0176-04-056US 59FPDF Icon150,441
Shelby0911-39-063CRFPDF Icon421
Tarrant0008-15-059IH 820FPDF Icon414
Tarrant0902-00-314VAPDF Icon3,728
Tom Green0077-09-010BU 67-HFPDF Icon1,702
Travis0015-13-077IH 35FPDF Icon362,969
Travis0015-10-072IH 35FPDF Icon4,257
Travis0440-06-025SH 130FPDF Icon401
Tyler0341-04-072US 287FPDF Icon3,662
Webb0018-04-065IH 35FPDF Icon14,801
Wichita0903-00-119VAFPDF Icon549
Wichita0903-00-120VAFPDF Icon633